Normative Resolution 01/2017
The Coordinating Committee of the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology of the University of São Paulo (PPGAS / USP), in the use of its attributions, decides to adopt and regulate a Policy of Affirmative Actions for admission, monitoring and permanence in the Masters, Doctorate courses and Direct Doctorate.
• The selection processes for the Masters, Doctorate and Direct Doctorate courses will present a reserve of vacancies of at least 20% for self-declared candidates / black people and 5% for self-declared candidates / people with disabilities, and creation of additional vacancies for candidates / self-declared / indigenous.
The selection processes will be governed by two notices. One of them will establish the criteria for admission due to wide competition and reservation of vacancies. The other will establish the criteria for admission for additional places.
In the bidding for admission due to wide competition and reservation of vacancies, the selection process will consist of two stages: the first, of an eliminatory nature, consists of the Examination of Knowledge of Anthropology; the second, of an eliminatory and classificatory character, consists of the Evaluation of the Research Project and its argument, and the Evaluation of the Curriculum and School History. The selection and classification of the successful candidates will result from a grade that will consist of the average of the grades obtained in the two stages. For highly competitive vacancies (75% of the total vacancies), the best classified candidates will be selected, who have reached the minimum average of 7.0 (seven). For the vacancies destined to candidates / opting (20% for self-declared black / brown and 5% for self-declared people with disabilities), the best candidates / candidates will be selected, respecting the limit of vacancies established and the minimum average of 5.00 (five). Candidates who, at the end of the process, are among the first classified, will occupy vacancies of wide competition, not compromising the reservation of vacancies.
In the bidding for entry for additional vacancies, intended for candidates / self-declared / indigenous, the selection process will consist of two stages: the first, of an eliminatory nature, consists of the Evaluation of the documentation

delivered in the registration (memorial, critical analysis of one of the texts of the indicated bibliography, research proposal, curriculum and school history); the second, of an eliminatory and classificatory character, consists of the Evaluation of the argument of the research proposal and the memorial. The selection and classification of the approved candidates will result from a grade that will consist of the average of the grades obtained in the two stages, respecting the established number of places and the minimum average of 5.00 (five).
In case there are no candidates approved for the reserved places, they will be converted into vacancies with wide competition; supplementary vacancies will be extinguished if they are not occupied.
Selection processes will not carry out proficiency assessments in foreign languages. In accordance with article 66 of the Graduate Regulations of the University of São Paulo and articles 3, 5, 6 and 9 of item V of the Regulations of the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology of USP, the students enrolled / must be approved in the Foreign Language Proficiency Exam by the date of registration of the Qualification Exam.
The compulsory subjects will present in the bibliography of their programs an expressive or majority number of texts in Portuguese or Spanish.
Encourage the holding of Extension Courses and Reading Workshops in a foreign language, as well as the participation of students in instrumental foreign language courses offered by the FFLCH Language Center;
A Monitoring Committee will be created, composed of four teachers and three students, which will be responsible for:
a) Assess the Affirmative Action Policy, its impact and validity;
b) Accompany the approved students in affirmative action vacancies,
supporting your demands;
c) Search for proposals and / or initiatives for affirmative actions implemented in
other Postgraduate Programs in the country, as well as internally at USP,
aiming at the continuous improvement of the current affirmative policy;
d) Search and disseminate strategies, resources and ways to guarantee accessibility for people with disabilities, through knowledge of actions and
specific programs in the area at USP and other institutions.

Affirmative policies must be submitted to the annual Program Coordinating Committee, which must state its implementation conditions and in relation to the expansion of vacancies, in line with the conditions for monitoring approved and political and institutional structures of PPGAS and USP;
• Those approved to fill reserved and supplementary vacancies for affirmative action purposes will be eligible for the distribution of scholarships, following the criteria defined by the PPGAS Scholarship Committee, which must necessarily consider the option of entry through the affirmative action policy as one of the factors in the distribution of scholarships;

São Paulo, May 19, 2017.