Honorable mention in the Silvio Romero 2020 Award

1st honorable mention: Reinvent the Wheel. The circulation of samba among subjects, events and repertoires in Cachoeira - BA, by Caio Csermak. Doctoral thesis defended in the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at the University of São Paulo (USP), supervised by Maria Manuela Ligeti Carneiro da Cunha.
Abstract: The work analyzes the processes of institutionalization of the samba de roda groups and the professionalization of the sambadores in the city of Cachoeira, Bahia, from the 1950s to the present. It is divided into three parts to approach such processes from different complementary perspectives: the trajectories of collective subjects in the samba universe; the space of samba in cachoeiranos musical events; and the musical characteristics of samba, as well as its relationship with other repertoires. The data were collected in a fieldwork carried out over 20 months between 2015 and 2018. The work aims to demonstrate that samba has become the articulator of a musical system in Cachoeirano, having effects on the musical practices of the samba musicians and leading to the protagonism of the group of samba de roda on other forms of social organization, as well as samba corrido on other styles of samba.