The electronic magazine Ponto Urbe, published by the Laboratory of the Urban Anthropology Nucleus - NAU, linked to USP's Anthropology Department and accredited by CNPq, is a semiannual vehicle, intended for the dissemination and discussion of works, essays, partial research results and theoretical-methodological proposals of Urban Anthropology and related areas.

Ponto Urbe has been on the air, uninterruptedly, since 2007. As of issue number 13, Ponto Urbe became part of the Revues.org, international platform for human and social sciences magazines and book collections. In this way, the magazine has strengthened itself as another channel so that Brazilian Anthropology, and especially that dedicated to urban studies, can expand its diffusion space.

The publication has the following sections: Articles, with more analytical texts, Interviews, with some important personality in the field of Anthropology; Ethnographic, open to short field reports; Dossier, with texts on a common theme organized by invited editors or proposals received; Cir-kula who receives contributions from authors from other fields of knowledge; Translations of current or rare texts, unpublished in Portuguese; Reviews, with analysis of recent works; Photographic essays; and a new section only possible in an electronic publication, Ethnographic Videos.

The rules for submitting papers can be checked on the page https://journals.openedition.org/pontourbe/