(only for professors in the USP Department of Anthropology)
1. Accreditation of Disciplines.
To apply for accreditation to teach discipline at PPGAS, the teacher must submit to the Program Secretariat of the proposed discipline, accompanied by an updated lattes curriculum, referring to the last 5 (five) years of production and activities.
2. Accreditation of Teachers.
To apply for accreditation at PPGAS, the professor must send a letter of request to the Secretariat, expressing his interest in integrating the graduate program (guiding students and offering subjects), accompanied by an updated lattes curriculum, referring to the last 5 (five) years of production and activities. We remind you that the request for accreditation for the orientation of doctorates requires that the professor has defended at least one master's dissertation.
3. Accreditation of Teachers.
To request re-accreditation at PPGAS, the professor must send the letter of request to the Secretariat, accompanied by an updated lattes curriculum, referring to the last 5 (five) years of production and activities. Will be evaluated: the regularity of scientific production in the last 5 (five) years; the guidelines in progress and concluded in the same period, as well as the disciplines offered in the period, with PPGAS / USP.
Important: Teachers' accreditations and re-accreditation will be analyzed and submitted for approval by the Program Coordinating Commission (CCP).