Heloisa Buarque de Almeida

Heloisa Buarque de Almeida


Visiting Fellow 
Department of Media and Communications
London School of Economics

Linhas de Pesquisa
Cidades, Espaços e Mobilidades
Poder e Diferença
Areas of interest

Operates in the Research Lines of Social Markers of Difference and Urban Anthropology, acting mainly on the following themes: gender, media, consumption, family, body and gender violence.

Online Productions

Teses e Dissertações:

Articles and book chapters:

There are more articles available clicking here

2022. Overview of Violence Against Women at Brazilian and Latin-American Universities, available for download at this link: https://www.oab.org.br/publicacoes/pesquisa?termoPesquisa=overview

2020. Grammars of Damage and Suffering in Brazil Today, VIBRANT

2020. From shame to visibility: Hashtag Feminism and Sexual Violence in Brazil, Revista Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedade

2019. Violence sexuelle et de genre à l’université : du secret à la bataille pour la reconnaissance, Brésil(s), Sciences Humaines et Sociales

2017. From Doctor to Monster: Disputes over The Categories of Sexual Violence in Abdelmassih's Case Cadernos Pagu (50), 2017:e175020.

2017. Body education: the series Woman and the promotion of medical-educational messages...Revista Estudos Feministas, v. 25, n. 1, 2017, pp. 315-335

2015. "Middle class" for the cultural industry. Psicol. USP, Apr 2015, vol.26, no.1, p.27-36.

2012. “Putting Simply - gender and sexuality on TV from Malu Mulher” , Brazilian Journal of Social Sciences, vol.27, n. 79, June.

2007, “Consumers and heroines: gender in the soap opera” , Revista de Estudos Feministas, Vol.15, n.1.

2006. Debert, Guita Grin and Almeida, Heloisa Buarque de. Interview with Sherry Ortner. Cad. Pagu, Dec 2006, no.27, p.427-447. 

2003. "Telenovela and Gender in Brazil”, Global Media Journal, Spring, vol.2, n.2

2003. “Families before soap operas” , Cadernos de Antropologia e Imagem, n. 17.

2002. “Commercial Melodrama: reflections on the feminization of the soap opera”, Cadernos Pagu, n. 19.

Interviews and press material:

Interview for the newspaper Nexo. New feminisms and the fight for women's rights

Interview for CartaCapital's Ponte website. When blaming the victim, it turns out that we do not see men and women with equal rights

Interview for Jornal do Campus. There is an evident problem with the notion of consent

Public class at Opera Mundi: Gender is learned at school

Interview for Trip magazine. Paradox of high heels