Editora Primata launches the collective publication "Stay in the village, relative - indigenous peoples and the covid-19 pandemic”, in partnership with the Indigenous and Indigenous Front to Combat Covid-19 between Indigenous Peoples and Lands in the Southern Region and support from Center for Amerindian Studies at the University of São Paulo (CEstA / USP)
The launch will take place on November 6, at 5 pm, in a live to be broadcast through the Editor's YouTube channel
"The materials offered here, produced voluntarily, intend to go beyond the place of editorial record of a tragedy in progress, expanding the positive balance beyond its pages: the sale of books will allocate funds to the indigenous and indigenist Front for the Prevention and Combat of Coronavirus (Covid-19) in Indigenous Lands in the Southern Region of Brazil, as a way of supporting autonomous initiatives to face the impacts of the pandemic, associated with the dissemination of knowledge and solidary action, with the engagement of society. " - Excerpt from the presentation signed by the organizer and the editors.
Realization: The realization is a voluntary cooperation of indigenous and non-indigenous researchers, artists and activists, initiated and supported by Editora Primata.
Body: The book is a collection, with essays, articles, poem, interviews, photographs, drawing, covering experiences of indigenous peoples in all regions of Brazil. It is already available in pre-order on Editora Primata's website [purchase on website: https://www.editoraprimata.
Collection and support. Allocation of 100% of the sales value to the Indigenous and Indigenous Front for the Prevention and Combat of Covid-19 in Indigenous Lands of the Southern Region (@frenteindigenasul), to support its emergency and continued actions in health, food and nutritional security and others to face the impacts of the pandemic overcoming and recovering from the pandemic in their communities, with the feasibility of food, clothing, personal hygiene items, cleaning materials, personal and financial protection equipment; information and communication etc.).
Authors and Authors: Alex Piaz, Antonio Oviedo, Britaldo Soares Filho, Carlos Papá (photos), Claudemir da Silva, Cristiane Gomes Julião Pankararu, Cristine Takuá, Danilo Paiva Ramos, Dival da Silva, Eliel Benites, Gustavo Caboco (cover), Jaider Esbell, João Ricardo Rampinelli Alves, Luana Maria de Souza, Nyg Kuitá, Paola Gibram, Tatiane Klein, Tiago Moreira dos Santos, Tiago Nhandewa, Silvio Carlos Pereira Lima Filho, Sofia Mendonça, Ubirajara Oliveira.
Organization. Rafael Pacheco (PPGAS and USP Amerindian Studies Center)
Edition. Macaio Poetônio and Gustavo Berbel, Editora Primata
Presentation. Rafael Pacheco, Gustavo Berbel and Macaio Poetônio (Editora Primata)
Indigenous peoples approached. Xetá (PR), Kaiowá and Guarani (MS), Nandewa Guarani (SP), Mbya Guarani (SP), Kaingang (PR), Hupd'äh and Yuhupdëh (AM), Macuxi (RR), Pankararu (PE), in addition to vulnerability indexes for all Indigenous Lands in Brazil and Base Poles of special indigenous health districts.
Support. Amerindian Studies Center (CEstA-USP)
Language. Portuguese
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Indigenous and Indigenous Front to Prevent and Combat Coronavirus (Covid-19) and the Plan to Combat Covid-19 among Indigenous Peoples and Lands in the Southern Region, of indigenous organizations.