Anthropologist. Master and PhD from the University of São Paulo (USP). Academic Visitor at Oxford University. Full Professor at the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto at the University of São Paulo (FFCLRP-USP). Coordinator of the Group of Anthropology in Islamic and Arab Contexts (GRACIAS-USP). Member of the Religión, Neoliberalismo y Pos/Decolonialidad Working Group linked to CLACSO (2019/2022). Organizer of the book: Feminine perspectives on Islam: ethnographies, methodologies and images (Hucitec, 2010) and co-organizer of the collection: Performance - Arte e Antropologia (Hucitec, 2010), author of the book "Islamic Performances in São Paulo: between arabesques , moons and dates" (Editions Terceira Via, 2017); Hajja, hajja – the experience of pilgrims (Ambigrama, 2021);. Video director: Allahu Akbar, Sacrifice, Voices of Islam and Allah, I hope on the Malê trail (2015). Researcher Productivity CNPq 2, developing research on Islamophobia in Brazil.