Friday of the Month: Sciences of the Sacred in the Amazon

Room 24 of the Social Sciences Building - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315

Friday of the Month: Sciences of the Sacred in the Amazon



Room 24 of the Social Sciences Building at USP

Transmission via Youtube (uspfflch channel)


Ana Lídia Nascimento (Post-Doc PPGAS-USP, Effective Professor at the Federal University of the Amazon - UFRA)

Yasmim Sampaio (PPGAS-USP PhD student)


Ava Cruz (Doctoral student at PPGAS/USP)

The existence of the Science of the Sacred present in the practices of indigenous pajelança, cabocla and Afro-Brazilian religions is observed through a wide variety of procedures based on a magical-religious relationship, observed in the diverse practices and experiences of traditional/original peoples who adopt the same healing and care mechanisms with specific procedures and epistemologies that dialogue and emerge from the field of the sacred, as well as the subjects who carry them out. Spiritual entities, which can be enchanted, caboclos, spirits, among others, heal with the power that is consecrated to them from the point of view of established relationships. Therefore, with the aim of reflecting on these themes, this table on May Friday proposes a debate bringing to the table enchanted ontologies and cosmologies of some Afro-indigenous-Brazilian religions.

The table is open to all audiences, so feel free to participate and bring colleagues.