The Ponto.Urbe magazine, a periodical linked to the Laboratory of the Center for Urban Anthropology at USP, announces Urbe em Foco VII! Next Wednesday, October 2nd, starting at 3:00 p.m., in the Anthropology Auditorium (Room 24) of the Social Sciences and Philosophy Building (FFLCH), we will discuss the dossier “Cities at War”, published in our latest issue. Participate! No prior registration required. Certificates will be issued for in-person participants. Check out the participants: Frank Daves and Lia de Mattos Rocha (UERJ) Our cities at war: notes on militarization and coloniality from Rio de Janeiro Carolina Parreiras (DA/LETEC/USP) Digital inequalities in Rio de Janeiro's favelas: uses and infrastructures between precariousness and militarization Apoena Mano (PPGS/USP) Organized crime and urban violence in Latin America Mediation: Silvana Nascimento (PPGAS/USP)
Cities at war - Urbe em Foco VII
Room 24 of the Social Sciences Building - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315