Inhabiting fires
Monday, October 14 at 2:00 p.m. - Room 1037
The presentation will be based on the way in which the quilombolas of Jalapão (TO) inhabit the general environment. Instead of establishing static borders, buildings, and individualizing possession, it is a way of living that is expressed through wandering activities in areas with different temporalities of post-fire regeneration. In addition to demonstrating how this way of living broadens our understanding of the conditions of habitability at the time of large forest fires, the presentation will also seek to outline an ethnographic theory of quilombola freedom. In short, it is an experience of freedom that cannot be reduced to ecological autonomy, since it is guided by demands that are more than human, the effects of which have repercussions on a way of relating to fire that goes beyond its control.
Guilherme Fagundes is a professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of São Paulo, where he leads the Anthropology, Environment and Biotechnodiversity Collective (CHAMA). He works mainly in the areas of technical anthropology and environmental anthropology, in addition to mobilizing the production of films, photographic essays and digital maps as a method of collaborative and multimodal ethnography. Over the last ten years, he has dedicated himself to studying the transformations in forest fires and the resumption of indigenous burning on a global scale, developing research and audiovisual pieces on this topic with quilombola communities, environmental managers and firefighters from the Brazilian Cerrado.
Bibliographic References
FAGUNDES, Guilherme Moura. Fire normativities: environmental conservation and quilombola forms of life in the Brazilian savanna. VIBRANT (FLORIANÓPOLIS), v. 16, p. 1-22, 2019.
INGOLD, Tim. Anthropology comes to life. In: Being alive: essays on movement, knowledge and description. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2015. pp. 25-47
To access the drive with the texts: link to the folder available in our bio on Instagram @naucidades.usp - Linktree . We also have a video showing how to access the folder saved in the 2nd sem-Seminário highlight (also located on Instagram)
Coordination and organization of seminars
Bianca Martins
Michel de Paula Soares
Coordination of the NauCidades Group and support
Jéssica de Souza Andrade
General Coordination
José Guilherme Cantor Magnani