Meeting with Edilene Coffaci de Lima (UFPR) at CEstA/USP, Thursday, 10/24/2024, at 5:00 p.m.
There is extensive documentation about the Xetá, an indigenous group that speaks the Tupi-Guarani language and was officially contacted just over 70 years ago in northwestern Paraná: from the Indian Protection Service (SPI), the Anthropology Department of UFPR, the Museu Paranaense, the Círculo de Estudos Bandeirantes, among other archives. I will present how research has been conducted based on the records of these institutions and others yet to be explored, such as the Minor Order of Capuchin Friars, as well as the Chambers and City Halls of municipalities that were built on their lands.
CEstA - Center for Amerindian Studies
Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, Colmeia - Favo 8
Cidade Universitária