The Anthropological Editathon aims to hold a two-day workshop on learning how to create and edit Wikipedia entries. The first meeting (November 6) will focus on presenting Wikipedia and its potential, and we will make the first edit on the platform. In the second meeting (November 7), we will hold an editing marathon with anthropological themes. Special attention will be given to authors who do not yet have entries, taking into account geographic location, race, gender, sexuality, and other social markers of difference.
Our meetings will take place via Google Meet. No previous experience with the Wikipedia platform is necessary! Anyone can participate.
The course is based on Wikimedia's Friendly Space Policies and aims to create a welcoming space for everyone, without distinction. Any form of harassment is not tolerated. For more information:
This Editathon is promoted by LETEC - Ethnographic Laboratory of Technological and Digital Studies, of USP and funded by Fapesp, and has funding from Wiki Apoia 2024.
The workshop will be taught by Isabela Tosta, a master's student at Labjor - Scientific and Cultural Dissemination and researcher at the Wikipedia platform.