Researches, advises and publishes in the field of Legal Anthropology, mainly: Jury Courts, jurisprudence and narratives of violence, human rights, demands for recognition of rights, access to justice, legal professionals and professions, criminal justice systems and criminology. He has led the NADIR (Nucleus of Anthropology of Law) since 2008 and organizes, every two years, since 2009, the ENADIR (National Meetings of Anthropology of Law). Coordinates the CEP (Committee for Ethics in Research with Human Beings) of FFLCH-USP (2019-2023) and an international agreement between the Universidad Nacional de Misiones (UNaM, Argentina) and FFLCH-USP (2019-2024).
Doctoral thesis:
Articles and Book Chapters:
Small murders: violence incorporated into everyday life & nbsp; (1998)
Rape, human rights, gender and justice (1998)
Entry “Citizenship”. Friday Magazine (2006)
Dissonant ethnography of the Jury Courts (2007)
Affections at stake in the Jury Tribunal (2007)
Anthropology, law and mediation in Brazil: a dialogical field under construction (2012)
Human Rights and Their Extra-Legal Circulations: Some Anthropological Reflections (2017)
Interdiction processes: family, law and medicine making capacities and disabilities (2006)
Research and paper reports:
Final research report : Civil registry offices in São Paulo(2008)
Paper - Research: Folders and records of the CASA / SP Foundation (2010)
Paper - Ethnography of a Jury session (2012)
Paper - research: Memories of University Guards (2016)
Dossier submissions:
Why a dossier focused on the anthropology of law? - USP Anthropology Journal (2010)
Brief overview of the anthropology of law in Brazil - Revista Cadernos de Campo (2013)
Dosier Antropología del Derecho in Brazil - Revista Euroamericana de Antropologia, REA (2016)
Interviews, news and online classes:
“Legal Anthropology” In & nbsp; Carta Forensics Journal , 2005.
“On the importance of Scientific Initiation at FFLCH-USP”, 2009, [the audio in this video is impaired]
Opening table of the II ENADIR - National Meeting of Anthropology of Law, 2011 & nbsp ;
“Jury and Anthropology” - Justice and Democracy Program (from AJD - Association of Judges for Democracy), 2012
TVJur - Speaking of Law - The Jury Tribunal, 2012
Gil Rugai case: juror needs to reflect, says anthropologist, 2013
Gil Rugai case: 3rd day is for defense testimony, 2013
Book makes an anthropological study of the Jury Tribunal in SP. Bandnews TV , 2013
Cultural Critical and Reflexivity Round Table: Alterity and Ethnography, 37th ANPOCS Annual Meeting, 2013 & nbsp;
Opening of Table 4 - Alternatives to Prison. VII ANDHEP Meeting , Salão Nobre of FDUSP, 2014
USP Security Superintendence , 2014
Class at Escola Paulista da Magistratura, 2014
Debate on reducing the age of criminal responsibility. CINUSP, 2015.
Table on the Brazilian prison system . Urban Concerns, CEUMA-USP, 2015.
Interview for Rádio-USP on rape, 2016
Program Dialogues at USP, about rape, 2016
Interview for the Jornal do Campus on rape, 2016
Intellectuals launch video that reinforces rejection of the Temer government, 2016.
Creation of the CDDH - Commission for the Defense of Human Rights of the FFLCH-USP , 2017
Violence involving PMs , 2017
Intolerances , 2017
Le rôle des acteurs dans les procès par jury: les leçons du Brésil et de la France , 2017