João Felipe Gonçalves

João Felipe Gonçalves
Linhas de Pesquisa
Antropologia da história/ história da Antropologia
Estudos Africanos e Afro-Diaspóricos
Poder e Diferença
Areas of interest

PhD in Anthropology from the University of Chicago, his work focuses on Latin America and the Caribbean - especially in Cuba and its diaspora, Caribbean social thought, and memorialization of slavery. He has training and a strong interest also in studies in Eastern Europe and Africa. His research themes are mainly: urban space, anthropology of history, political symbolism, nationalism, social life of monuments, real socialism and post-socialism, migrations and diasporas.

Online Productions

Participation in the Friday of the Month on 04/17 - "Thinking with the virus" - 

"Viralization Time", article in the Anpocs Bulletin on coronavirus -

Mojitos with lemons from the field. Cadernos de Campo, 2018.
Revolution, twists and turns. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, 2017
S pametnitsite shega ne biva. Seminar_BG, 2017
Martí versus Martí. Novos Estudos Cebrap, 2015
The Ajiaco in Cuba and beyond. Hau, 2014

Interview granted to the Project 3 times 22 from USP's Brazilian Studies Institute