Permanent Professors
The faculty of the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology (PPGAS) linked to the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH) of the University of São Paulo (USP) is currently composed of 25 professors, 22 permanent and 3 collaborators. All of them teach disciplines and guide students. Below we present the profile of each professor.
Works in the Research Lines "Power and difference" and "Amerindian, African and Afro-Diasporic studies". Has experience in the field of rural Anthropology and politics, with an emphasis on family, political and personal relations in Brazil's Northeast outback, with special attention to conflicts such as family struggles and cangaço; social aspects surrounding grain agribusiness in Mato Grosso, with a special focus on family relations between farmers and their political and economic developments. She is coordinator of Hybris, an study and research group on power relations, conflicts, socialities.
Researches, advises and publishes in the field of Legal Anthropology, mainly: Jury Courts, jurisprudence and narratives of violence, human rights, demands for recognition of rights, access to justice, legal professionals and professions, criminal justice systems and criminology. He has led the NADIR (Nucleus of Anthropology of Law) since 2008 and organizes, every two years, since 2009, the ENADIR (National Meetings of Anthropology of Law). Coordinates the CEP (Committee for Ethics in Research with Human Beings) of FFLCH-USP (2019-2023) and an international agreement between the Universidad Nacional de Misiones (UNaM, Argentina) and FFLCH-USP (2019-2024).
Works in the Research Line of Indigenous Ethnology, with emphasis on the field of Native Studies. She is a researcher at the Center for Amerindian Studies (CEstA-USP) .
Works in the Research Lines Cities, spaces and mobilities and Power and difference, working mainly in the area of Digital Anthropology. He also has expertise in the areas of social markers of difference and violence. Coordinates the Ethnographic Laboratory for Technological and Digital Studies (LETEC -
Has experience in the field of Anthropology, with an emphasis on Indigenous Ethnology, working mainly on the following themes: oral traditions and Amerindian cosmologies, indigenous policies, cultural heritage and traditional knowledge. Coordinates and participates in national and international research projects. Develops direct advisory activities to indigenous communities in Amapá and northern Pará, collaborating with public agencies and non-governmental organizations in indigenous training programs.
Theory and history of Anthropology; Anthropology, arts and literature; memory and creation.
Anthropologist. Master and PhD from the University of São Paulo (USP). Academic Visitor at Oxford University. Full Professor at the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto at the University of São Paulo (FFCLRP-USP). Coordinator of the Group of Anthropology in Islamic and Arab Contexts (GRACIAS-USP). Member of the Religión, Neoliberalismo y Pos/Decolonialidad Working Group linked to CLACSO (2019/2022). Organizer of the book: Feminine perspectives on Islam: ethnographies, methodologies and images (Hucitec, 2010) and co-organizer of the collection: Performance - Arte e Antropologia (Hucitec, 2010), author of the book "Islamic Performances in São Paulo: between arabesques , moons and dates" (Editions Terceira Via, 2017); Hajja, hajja – the experience of pilgrims (Ambigrama, 2021);. Video director: Allahu Akbar, Sacrifice, Voices of Islam and Allah, I hope on the Malê trail (2015). Researcher Productivity CNPq 2, developing research on Islamophobia in Brazil.
He works mainly in the fields of anthropology of technique and anthropology of life, in addition to making films and photographic essays as a research and scientific dissemination method. Fagundes studies intercultural fire management through the agropastoral systems, Quilombolas ecologies and technopolitics of environmental conservation, with a focus on the Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado). He is a Research Associate at the Laboratory of Anthropology of Science and Technology (LACT/UnB) and the Anthropologie de la vie team at the Collège de France. He is also a member of the editorial board of the Revista de Antropologia (USP).
He has researched urban activism, forms of sociability in the pandemic, uses of public spaces and cultural heritage. Coordinator of the Anthropology Study Group (GEAC-USP), registered as a research group at CNPq.
Visiting Fellow
Department of Media and Communications
London School of Economics
Operates in the Research Lines of Social Markers of Difference and Urban Anthropology, acting mainly on the following themes: gender, media, consumption, family, body and gender violence.
PhD in Anthropology from the University of Chicago, his work focuses on Latin America and the Caribbean - especially in Cuba and its diaspora, Caribbean social thought, and memorialization of slavery. He has training and a strong interest also in studies in Eastern Europe and Africa. His research themes are mainly: urban space, anthropology of history, political symbolism, nationalism, social life of monuments, real socialism and post-socialism, migrations and diasporas.
Operates in the Research Line in Anthropology of Expressive Forms, at the interfaces between anthropology and theater, he is interested in reconfigurations in the field of anthropology raised by the work of Walter Benjamin. Develops research in performance anthropology, experience anthropology, and Benjaminian anthropology.
Operates in the Research Line in Urban Anthropology and Anthropology and History, with an emphasis on ethnography, city, sociability, leisure, religiosity. He is coordinator of the Laboratory of USP's Urban Anthropology Center (Lab/NAU/USP), of your electronic magazinePONTO.URBE and the collection “Antropologia Hoje” Nau /Terceiro Nome publishing company.
Works in the Research Lines on Social Markers of Difference and Anthropology of Politics and Law, mainly in the themes: social movements, culture and politics, aging and periodization of life, sexuality and gender.
Professor at the Department of Anthropology and the Postgraduate Program in Anthropology (PPGAS) both at USP and PhD in Cultural Anthropology at UFRJ. She completed a Post-Doctorate at Princeton University and has been a CNPq productivity fellow since 2008. She coordinates an International Cooperation Agreement between USP and Stellenbosch University, South Africa. She was a visiting researcher at the African Gender Institut, at the University of Cape Town (UCT ) in South Africa and Visiting Professor of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, United States. She was an elected member of the Scientific Council of the Brazilian Association of Anthropology (ABA-2011 \ 2013). He coordinates the Pro-Africa Project: The Neighborhood between the lines: alliances and conflicts, (un) equal exchanges and cooperation between Mozambique and South Africa. Deputy head of the Department of Anthropology during two terms, (2010/2013). CoC Coordinator of Social Sciences (USP - 2014/2016). He published the book Razão, Cor e Desejo: an analysis of interracial affective-sexual relationships in Brazil and South Africa, Editora Unesp: São Paulo, 2004, thanks to the EDUSC \ ANPOCS Award for best doctoral thesis \ 2003 edition. and publishes on the following topics: intersectionality; Africans nationalism; race relations, miscegenation and national identity Brazil and South Africa; ultra-right and militarism in South Africa; race, gender and (homo) sexuality from the perspective of morals and emotions; Law, Anthropology and Politics; Human Rights and Anthropology of Africa.
Works in the Lines of Research: Anthropology of Afro-Brazilian populations, History of Brazil, Urban Anthropology, Anthropological Theory, Fundamentals and Criticism of the Arts. Her studies emphasize themes such as the history of anthropology, symbolic and imagery constructions, ethnicity, and racial issues.
Her performance is distributed by ethnology, history and rights of the Indians, black slavery, ethnicity, traditional knowledge and anthropological theory. Among his publications are the books "Cultura com aspas"; "Blacks, foreigners" and "The dead and the others"; among other works, she organized "History of the Indians in Brazil" and "Forest Encyclopedia". She was a PhD professor at the State University of Campinas and a full professor at the University of São Paulo, where she is retired and collaborator. She was a full professor at the University of Chicago from 1994 to 2009, where she is an emeritus professor.
Professor at the University of São Paulo since 1998, he is currently an associate professor in the Department of Anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences, member of the Scientific Council of the Centro de Estudos Ameríndios and collaborating professor in the Department of Anthropology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona since 2006 He works in the areas of South American Ethnology, Kinship Studies and Computational Methods.
Researches anthropological theory and indigenous ethnology, focusing on kinship, witchcraft, politics and mythology. Field experience in Alto Xingu, where he has worked with Aweti (Tupi) since 2004.
Has experience in the field of Anthropology, with an emphasis on Anthropological Theory, acting mainly on the following themes: Amerindian ethnology; nature and society in the Amazon; traditional ways of life in the Purus-Madeira interfluvium; relationship regimes of the Mura (Amazon) in the environment; history of the Indians.
Works in the line of research in Urban Anthropology and Popular Religiosity and Religious Institution with emphasis on the following themes: culture, anthropology, religiosity, Catholic church and religion.
Works in the Research Line in Anthropology of Expressive Forms and Indigenous Ethnology, with an emphasis on studies on shamanism, cosmology, oral traditions, translation and anthropology of art.
Researcher at the Center for Studies on Social Markers of Difference (NUMAS/USP), the Study Group on Disability, Society and Culture (GEDESC/UFRGS/Unipampa) and the Kaleidoscope of Affirmative Action Project (UFABC/CNPq). Member and current vice-coordinator of the Disability and Accessibility Committee of the Brazilian Anthropology Association (CODEA/ABA). Member of the editorial board of the international trilingual journal (Pt, Es, Fr) Cadernos Franco-Latino-Americanos de Estudos da Deficiência. His work mainly focuses on social markers of difference, disability studies and crip theory, with research related to disability, gender, sexuality and race, as well as accessibility, higher education and affirmative action, between Brazil and South Africa.
Holds a master's (2000) and a doctor's (2005) degree in Social Anthropology from USP, an area of indigenous ethnology. He is a researcher at the Center for Amerindian Studies (CEstA) and the Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA). He was one of the founders and co-edited, between 1997 and 2007, the magazine Sexta-Feira. His areas of expertise are ethnology and indigenous history (focusing on the problem of Amerindian cosmopolitics), anthropological theory and anthropology & cinema.
Works in the Line of Research in Anthropology of Expressive Forms, with emphasis on Visual Anthropology, Performance Anthropology and Music Anthropology. His research addresses the following themes: cinema and violence, music in intervention projects for childhood and youth, ethnographic film, audiovisual and artistic production in the periphery, music and African immigration in São Paulo. She is vice-coordinator of the Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA-USP) and coordinator of Research in Musical Anthropology (PAM), vice-coordinator of the Group of Visual Anthropology of USP (GRAVI-USP), and researcher of the Center for Anthropology, Performance and Drama (NAPEDRA-USP). She is a productivity fellow at CNPq. She is the main researcher of the thematic project "O musicar local: novas trilhas para a etnomusicologia" (Fapesp).
Works in the Lines of Research in Urban Anthropology and Social Markers of Difference, with an emphasis on urban anthropology, relations between countryside and city, urban borders, transsexualities and socialities. She is currently a collaborating researcher at Urban Ethnographies Research Group (Guetu), UFPB and member of UFPB Human Rights and Citizenship Center. He is part of the editorial board of the Sexta-feira collection - Anthropology, Arts and Humanities.
Professor and researcher in anthropology at the Institute of Brazilian Studies (IEB) at the University of São Paulo (USP). At PPGAS / USP, he works mainly in the Research Line "Expressive Forms and Knowledge Regimes", with an emphasis on Anthropology of Science and Technology, Anthropology of Nature and Modernity, Post-Disciplinary Studies in Multispecies and Cosmopolitics, Anthropology and Environment , Anthropology of the Anthropocene, Anthropological Theory, coordinator of LAPOD (Post-Disciplinary Studies Laboratory - IEB / LaBieb / USP) and researcher at the Center for Native Studies (CESTA-USP), one of the founders and co-edited, between 1997 and 2007, the magazine Sexta-Feira - Anthropologia, Artes e Humanidades.
Works in the Research Lines Indigenous Ethnology and Anthropology of Expressive Forms, with an emphasis on Bororo society, ethnography and image, visual anthropology, photography and cinema in the contemporary world. Founder and coordinator of LISA - Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology between 1991 and 2014 and since 2017. Coordinates GRAVI - Visual Anthropology Group and is a researcher at CEstA - Center for Amerindian Studies.
Associate professor (free professor) and researcher at the Department of Anthropology and the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at the University of São Paulo, where he obtained a bachelor's degree in Social Sciences and a master's and doctorate in Anthropology. Postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University where he was a fellow at W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research (2008-9). Post-doctorate from the City University of New York (Graduate Center) where he was also a visiting professor as a fellow of the Fulbright Scholar Program (2009). Develops research in the area of Afro-Brazilian populations, focusing on themes such as religiosity (candomblé, umbanda, neo-Pentecostalism, religious intolerance), relations between religion and Brazilian culture (popular festivals, music, capoeira, literature, cinema etc.), Afro-Brazilian arts and ethnographic representation (fieldwork and hypermedia ethnography). He is coordinator of CERNe - Center for the Study of Contemporary Religiosity and Black Cultures, a research group certified by CNPq -USP.