Yara de Cássia Alves, a graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Social Anthropology at the University of São Paulo (PPGAS/USP), received the Lélia Gonzalez Award for the best doctoral thesis defended in the area of ​​Social Anthropology in the years 2022-2023.

The award ceremony took place during the 34th Brazilian Anthropology Meeting, from July 23 to 26, in Belo Horizonte, at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). The thesis entitled “In the tracks of the past: seams of time in the construction of kinship and sociality among quilombolas in the Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais” has as its central objective to explore the notion of “trace,” which broadly seeks to revive the past in the present, expressing itself in different ways in spaces, festivals, bodies, etc.

“The thesis has an ethnographic approach and was written after approximately six months of fieldwork, divided into different stays that were related to specific events that take place in the local calendar, such as the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary of the Black Men, the time of politics, the time of the waters. During these stays, I lived in houses in the four quilombola communities researched, which had been happening since 2009, when I began research in the region, mainly in the Pinheiro community. Therefore, the experience acquired over thirteen years contributed significantly to the deepening of the central questions of the research, which are directly related to the themes of kinship, politics and the construction of memory”, explains Yara.

Currently, Yara is a professor at the State University of Minas Gerais (UEMG) and is an associate researcher at Métis, a thematic project funded by the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (FAPESP), with the general coordination of Professor Fernanda Peixoto.

“The main results of the thesis showed me that the quilombolas of the region are always seeking references in the past to understand the present and direct themselves towards the future, something similar to the African philosophy of Sankofa, which teaches that it is necessary to look back to move forward. Broadly speaking, kinship, politics and religion are built with a strong base in the territory they occupy, mainly in the houses, known as root houses. From this, the figure of the mother emerges as central, being recognized for the respect she inspires and the strength she gains from everyday challenges. Motherhood goes beyond the field of kinship and emerges as a point of reference for understanding politics, for example. Therefore, the female work of raising children is fundamental for us to understand a series of factors that are not directly associated with kinship”, comments the researcher about the results in relation to the thesis.

Vagner Gonçalves da Silva launches on the USP Open Books Portal a work in which he records collective experiences of listing terreiros in São Paulo https://www.livrosabertos.abcd.usp.br/portaldelivrosUSP/catalog/book/1376


"Training Program in Academic Management of Research Projects" 2/2024 from PRPI - USP Pro-Rectory of Research and Innovation.

Scholarship to work on the thematic projects “From the heart of wars to the poetics of plasticity: creation and engagement in artistic thought in African contexts from the 1980s to the present day” (FAPESP 22/05923-9) and “Arts and semantics of creation and memory” (FAPESP 20/07886-8).

The scholarship holder must mainly: Participate in training activities, collaborate in the management of project activities such as implementation of tools, organization of meetings, logistical support for events and management financial.


1. Hold a PhD from any institution, national or foreign.
2. Not be a beneficiary of a scholarship from other programs or other funding agencies.
3. Not have an employment relationship.
4. Have experience in the area of ​​knowledge of the projects.
5. Professors, technical and administrative staff, students, post-doctoral students and collaborating researchers of USP may not participate in the Program.

REGISTRATION: from 07/17/2024 until 11:59 pm on 08/01/2024.

Send a message to ddbarros@usp.br, fapeixoto@usp.br and janemarq@usp.br, with the subject “FGA Scholarship 2024” and the following attachments in PDF format:

a. Doctorate degree or certificate of completion;
b. CV summary according to FAPESP model;
c. Updated Lattes CV;
d. Motivation letter;
e. Letter of recommendation.

Only applications submitted on time and with complete documentation will be accepted. Candidates will be selected based on an analysis of their documentation and an eventual interview.

The result will be communicated to the candidate by email by 08/14/2024.


Value: The scholarship will be worth R$8,479.20 for a period of 12 months with the possibility of a 12-month extension.
Start: September 1, 2024. Work regime: hybrid.
Workload: 40 hours/week.

Registration is open for PPGAS students/graduates to participate as a volunteer in the Prepara PPGAS extension course: Workshops for Entrance Selection in 2024/25.

The workshop is aimed at people applying for the program's selection process and the activities will include tutorials on research projects in a virtual format.

Registration: 3 to 7 July 2024.
Project presentation meeting: 10/7/2024 at 7pm.

This is also an initiative of CoPAF – Permanent Affirmative Action Commission of PPGAS-USP.  

If you have any questions, send an email to colectivopreparappgas.usp@gmail.com

By Francirosy Campos Barbosa, from the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto (FFCLRP) at USP, Júlio César Suzuki and Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji, professors at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH) at USP.

This is the fifth edition of the award that highlights women scientists dedicated to national researchers who have made relevant contributions to science and scientific management, in addition to having carried out actions in favor of national science and technology.

"Katherine Dunham" [author], written by Vanessa Cândida Lourenço, https ://ea.fflch.usp.br/autor/katherine-dunham

"Religious ecstasy: an anthropological study of spirit possession and shamanism" [work] by Ioan Myrddin Lewis, written by Lucas Ramos da Cunha, https://ea.fflch.usp.br/obra/extase-religioso

"Hutukara Associação Yanomami" [institution], written by Corrado Dalmonego, https://ea.fflch.usp.br/instituicoes/hutukara-associacao-yanomami

"Bruno Latour" [author], written by Marisol Marini and André S. Bailão,  https://ea.fflch.usp.br/autor/bruno-latour

"Kabengele Munanga" [author], written by Clayton Guerreiro, https://ea.fflch .usp.br/autor/kabengele-munanga

"USP Museum of Archeology and Ethnology" [institution], written by Camilo de Mello Vasconcellos https://ea.fflch.usp.br/instituicoes/mae-usp

"Curt Nimuendajú" [author], written by Peter Schröder https://ea.fflch.usp .br/autor/curt-nimuendaju

"Totemism today" [work] by Claude Lévi-Strauss, written by Camila Galan de Paula https://ea.fflch.usp.br/obra/o-totemismo-hoje