Room 24 of the Social Sciences Building - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315
With joy, Sexta do Mês invites everyone to the two thematic tables that will take place in September. The first of them, entitled "Listening and welcoming: experiences of promoting mental health at university", proposes to debate institutional policies and collective practices of care, welcoming and listening that occur within the scope of higher education, with the presence of professors, researchers and students from different public colleges. The panel will take place on September 20th, at 5 pm, in a hybrid format – with live broadcast on the uspfflch channel on YouTube: Guests: Regina Facchini (Anthropologist and researcher at PAGU/Unicamp) Elizabete Franco Cruz (Psychologist and professor at EACH/USP) Karaí Mirim (Guarani and master's student at IP/USP) Mediation: Felipe Paes Piva (Master's student at PPGAS/USP) The second panel, named "Pornography and the Internet: dialogues, criticisms and reworkings", aims to contextualize the discussion about pornography in digital media, and the tensions involved in sexual experiments that transcend heteronormative regimes, through a conversation with the creators of the deviant pornography collective EdiyPorn. The panel will take place on September 27th, at 5 pm, in a hybrid format – with live broadcast on the uspfflch channel on YouTube: Guests: Carolina Parreiras (Collaborating researcher at the Department of Anthropology at USP (DA/PPGAS) and coordinator of the LETEC - Ethnographic Laboratory of Technological and Digital Studies) Jeffe Grochovski (Psychoanalyst-schizoanalyst, with production in audiovisual and art. Member of the collective EdiyPorn – Pornô Desviante since its beginning, in 2019) Paulx Castello (Works with performance, political sexuality and hacking of imaginaries since 2013. He is one of the people who creates at EdiyPorn, a deviant porn production company) Zuma Link (Artist of the body and movement. Since 2019, he has worked in executive production, creative direction, as a performer, editor and director of photography at the deviant porn collective EdiyPorn) Mediation: Rafa Ella Pinheiro (Master's student at PPGAS/USP) The table is open to all audiences, so feel free to participate and bring colleagues.