
Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, Colmeia - Favo 10

Guarani Mbya Approaches to Distancing During and Beyond the Pandemic - a collaborative research experience
Abstract: The vulnerability of the living and the imperative to behave with others have become poignant in the pandemic, as well as distance and other relational technologies. I will share lessons learned with interlocutors of the Guarani Mbya people in the states of São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul on these issues that have crossed them since primordial times, but which intensified after colonization, culminating in political, health and environmental adversities during the pandemic. of Covid. The present study is part of a collaborative research involving indigenous and non-indigenous researchers, as well as interlocutors from different communities who shared reflections and experiences on how and to whom the pandemic provokes and summons.
21/10/2022 - 14h30 - Auditório do LISA
Rua do Anfiteatro, 181 - Colmeia, favo 10


Texts for previous reading (preferably in that order)
1) Anthropologist and Anthropologist Code of Ethics (created in the 1986/1988 Management and changed in the 2011/2012 Management) -
2) Resolution No. 510, of April 7, 2016 - /resolucoes/2016/Reso510.pdf
3) GUERRIERO, Iara Coelho Zito. The approval of Resolution CNS nº 510/2016 is a step forward for Brazilian science. Social Health 28 (4) 09 Dec 2019 Oct-Dec 2019 -
Supporting texts (also preferably  in that order)
a) FONSECA, Claudia. Situating research ethics committees: the CEP system (Brazil) in perspective. Anthropological Horizons, Porto Alegre, year 21, n. 44, p. 333-369, Jul./Dec. 2015 - https://pesquisa.fflch.usp. br/sites/
b) DUARTE, Luiz Fernando Dias. Power practices, scientific policy and the human and social sciences: the case of the regulation of research ethics in Brazil. Oral History, vol. 17, no. 2, p. 9-29, Jul./Dec. 2014 - https://pesquisa.fflch.usp. br/sites/ 
Note: on the CEP-FFLCH page - - there are other bibliographic references.

46th Annual Meeting of ANPOCS

Under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Helena Sampaio (Unicamp, ex-NUPPs), there will be a table at ANPOCS on 10/19 at 9:30 am in "HOMAGE TO EUNICE DURHAM". Professors José Álvaro Moisés and Simon Schwartzman, (both former directors of the NUPPs), Yvonne Maggie (anthropologist and friend) and Antônio Augusto Arantes (UNICAMP and her former adviser) also participate in the meeting.

Period: 07-10-2022 até 28-10-2022
PPGAS-USP Youtube Channel

Conversation Wheels

Fridays in October - 17:00

PPGAS/USP channel on Youtube

Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, Colmeia - Favo 8

Multiply to excess?
Pankararu ritual dynamics, Pernambuco and São Paulo
Abstract: The objective of this speech is to analyze the ritual expansion, the increase not only of occurrences but also of forms. It is based on research carried out with the Pankararu Indians, both in the village of Brejo dos Padres (PE) and in the city of São Paulo. This increase is expressed in two distinct and complementary ways, which feed each other: on the one hand, a gradual and continuous increase began several decades ago; on the other hand, the month of January is the scene of an ephemeral ritual bubble in the village, in which many rituals sometimes take place at the same time. We will see how the Pankararu deal with this phenomenon, especially when thematizing excess, and what its consequences may be.

Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, Colmeia - Favo 8

From mourning to struggle: lessons from the indigenous Northeast
Abstract: Transforming mourning (or death) into an engine of struggle (or of life) is not something new for indigenous groups. Over the last four years, and in the face of countless criminal acts - and an uncertain number of deaths, given the underreporting of the pandemic, for example, but also of what we are calling death - we were summoned by indigenous leaders from different backgrounds. places in the country to recognize this fact; to recognize that the extermination process employed as a State policy by the current Brazilian government is not different in nature from what these groups have been facing, in some cases, for more than 500 years. In this communication, I take this call as a starting point and establish an alliance with the past experience of the Xukuru of Ororubá – whose main leader was assassinated in 1998, during the process of fighting for land, and had his body planted in the land, so that new warriors are born from it -, which is also that of so many other groups in the indigenous Northeast, of retakes, of life and death for the land, of life and death with the land, to reflect to what extent the recognition of the common nature with which we are living in the present also goes through the recognition of what Marisol de la Cadena calls the unusual nature, in one case and in the other, of the limits established for what is considered what it is to be alive and, consequently, of the limits for what is understood as genocide.

Period: 23-09-2022 até 23-09-2022
Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, Colmeia - Favo 8

Lecture with Mauricio Terena (PhD student at PPGAS/USP)
Reflections on the Plurinational State

Friday 9/23/2022, 2:30 pm

At the headquarters of CEstA
Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, Colmeia - Favo 8

Period: 23-09-2022 até 23-09-2022
USP Philosophy and Social Sciences Building broadcast on the LabNAU-USP channel.

We invite you all to the event to celebrate the 30th issue of PontoUrbe magazine, Urbe em Foco, next Friday, September 23, at 1 pm. The event will be a hybrid and will take place in the Philosophy and Social Sciences Building at USP, broadcast on the LabNAU-USP channel.
The event will feature guests
José Guilherme Magnani (USP)
Silvana Nascimento (USP)
Ana Letícia de Fiori (UFAC)
Rosana Pinheiro-Machado (ERC).
The event will have as its theme "Editorial consolidation and future challenges for publications in urban anthropology".
Contamos com a presença de todes!

Registration Period: 01-08-2022 até 06-08-2022

Cycle of preparatory workshops for the 2023 selection for admission to PPGAS/USP


From August 1st to July 6th, 2022, registration will be open to participate in the Cycle of Preparatory Workshops for admission to the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at USP.


The course is conducted by an independent group of students and its purpose is to expand the participation of black, indigenous, quilombola people, who belong to traditional refugee peoples or communities, people with disabilities and trans people in postgraduate courses, especially in courses of Social Anthropology.


Up to 100 places will be offered to people belonging to these groups and the activities will be carried out remotely and completely free of charge.


Applications can be made at: 


If you have any queries, send an email to 


An event held by the Nucleus of Anthropology of Politics (NuAP) celebrates the 20th anniversary of "Intrigues and issues: family revenge and social plots in the sertão of Pernambuco", by Ana Claudia Duarte Rocha Marques. With Moacir Palmeira (UFRJ), Fernanda Peixoto (USP), Natacha Leal (UNIVASF) and Aaron Ansell (Virginia TECH University). 05/08 at 16h. Contact us by email to access the meeting link.