Associate professor (free professor) and researcher at the Department of Anthropology and the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at the University of São Paulo, where he obtained a bachelor's degree in Social Sciences and a master's and doctorate in Anthropology. Postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University where he was a fellow at W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research (2008-9). Post-doctorate from the City University of New York (Graduate Center) where he was also a visiting professor as a fellow of the Fulbright Scholar Program (2009). Develops research in the area of Afro-Brazilian populations, focusing on themes such as religiosity (candomblé, umbanda, neo-Pentecostalism, religious intolerance), relations between religion and Brazilian culture (popular festivals, music, capoeira, literature, cinema etc.), Afro-Brazilian arts and ethnographic representation (fieldwork and hypermedia ethnography). He is coordinator of CERNe - Center for the Study of Contemporary Religiosity and Black Cultures, a research group certified by CNPq -USP.
1994. Candomblé e Umbanda: Caminhos da Devoção Brasileira
2000. O Antropólogo e sua Magia
2014. Orixá della Metropoli. Il candomblé a San Paolo (versão em italiano)
2015. Exu - O Guardião da Casa do Futuro
2021. Terreiros tombados em São Paulo. Laudos e Reflexões sobre a patrimonialização de bens afro-brasileiros
2022. Orixás da Metrópole (2ª.edição revista e ampliada)
2022. Exu, Um Deus Afro-Atlântico no Brasil
Organized Books
1994. Antropologia e seus Espelhos
2002. Caminhos da Alma
2004. Artes do Corpo
2007. Imaginário, Cotidiano e Poder
2007. Intolerância Religiosa - Impactos do Neopentecostalismo sobre o Campo Religioso Afro-Brasileiro
2019. Alaiandê Xirê - Desafios da cultura religiosa afro-americana no século XXI
2023. Doma: saberes negros e enfrentamento ao racismo
2023. Através das águas. Os bantu na formação do Brasil
Book Chapters
1996. “The sacred corners. Candomblé and the religious use of the city”. In: MAGNANI, José Guilherme C. & TORRES, Lilian de Lucca (org.) - In the Metropolis. Texts on urban anthropology. São Paulo, EDUSP, pp.88-123
1996. “Symbols of African Heritage. Why candomblé” (co-authored with Rita Amaral). In: SCHWARCZ, Lilia & REIS, Letícia (orgs.)- Negras Imagens. Essays on slavery and culture. Edusp and Estação Ciência, pp.195-209.
1999. “Re-Africanization and Syncretism: Academic Interpretations and Religious Experiences.” In CAROSO, Carlos & BACELAR, Jeferson (orgs.) - Faces of Aro-Brazilian Tradition. Rio de Janeiro, Pallas/CEAO/CNPq, pp. 149-157.
2000. “Participant observation and ethnographic writing: anthropological research in Afro-Brazilian religious communities”. In: FONSECA, Maria Nazareth Soares (org.) - Afro-Brazilian Brazil. Autêntica Editora, Belo Horizonte, pp. 285-306.
2002. “Joãozinho da Goméia, the playful and the sacred in the exaltation of Candomblé” (co-authored with Raul Lody). In: SILVA, Vagner Gonçalves da (org.) – Caminhos da alma. São Paulo. Summus/Black Seal; pp 153-182.
2002. “The ‘Força da Casa do Rei’, Caio de Xangô and the Candomblé of São Paulo” (co-authored with Rita Amaral) . In SILVA, Vagner Gonçalves da (org.) – Caminhos da alma. São Paulo. Summus/Black Seal; pp 219-237.
2002. “Fatumbi: o Destino de Verger” (co-authored with Rita Amaral). In VERGER, Pierre – Exit from Iaô. São Paulo, Axis Mundi and Fundação Pierre Verger, pp. 29-48;
2004. “Madrinha Eunice e Geraldo Filme: Memórias do Samba Paulista” (co-authored with Rachel Rua Baptista, Clara Azevedo, Arthur Bueno). In: SILVA, Vagner Gonçalves da (org.) - Body Arts. São Paulo. Summus/Selo Negro, pp. 123-188.
2004. “It was reported everywhere. Popular music and Afro-Brazilian religious culture” (co-authored with Rita Amaral). In: TOLEDO, Marleine Paula (org.) – Brazilian Culture: The way of being and living of a people. São Paulo, Nankin Editorial, pp 160-199.
2005. “The color of axé - whites and blacks in Candomblé in São Paulo”. (co-authored with Rita Amaral). In: : MOURA, Carlos Eugênio M. de (org.)- Somàwò – Tomorrow never ends. São Paulo, Empório de Produção, pp. 133-161.
2005. “Between poetry and x-ray. An introduction to the postmodern trend in anthropology.” In: GUINSBURG, J. and BARBOSA, Ana Mae (eds.) – Postmodernism. São Paulo, Perspectiva, pp145-158.
2005. “Catholic devotion, indigenous worship”. In: Brazilians, Brazilians. Exhibition Catalog. São Paulo. Afro Brasil Museum. pp 31-33
2005. “Through invisible maps: journeys through the religious imaginary of the metropolis”. In Expedição São Paulo 450 years. A tripm inside the metropolis. São Paulo, Municipal Department of Culture. pp 203-207.
2005. “Saints noirs, saints de noirs: couleur et devotion dans le catholicisme afro-brésilien. In: Falgayrettes-Leveau, Christiane (org.) - Brésil, L’héritage africain. Paris, Editions Dapper.
2005. “Representations of life and death in Afro-Brazilian religions”. In: OLIVEIRA, Marcos Fleury de & CALLIA, Marcos (orgs.) - Reflections on death in Brazil. São Paulo, Paulus. pp 127-134.
2006. “Sacred and Profane: Afro-Brazilian religiosities and their consequences in national culture”. In: Catalog of the Afro Brasil Museum. Secretary of Culture of the City of São Paulo / IFF / SEPPIR. pp. 149–157.
2006. “Transes in Transit: Continuities and ruptures between neo-Pentecostalism and Afro-Brazilian religions”. In: TEIXEIRA, Faustino & MENEZES, Renata (orgs.) - Religions in Brazil: continuities and ruptures. Petrópolis, Vozes, pp. 207-228
2007. “Preface or News from a war that is nothing particular: Neo-Pentecostal attacks on Afro-Brazilian religions and symbols of African heritage in Brazil”. In: SILVA, Vagner Gonçalves da (org.) - Religious intolerance. São Paulo, EDUSP. pp 9-27.
2007. “Between the Gira de Fé and Jesus de Nazaré: Socio-structural relations between neo-Pentecostalism and Afro-Brazilian religions” In: SILVA, Vagner Gonçalves da (org.) - Religious intolerance. São Paulo, EDUSP. pp 191-260.
2008. “Afro-Brazilian religious art - The multiple aesthetics of Brazilian devotion”. In: The Divine Sacred and Religious Inspiration – Syncretisms (Exhibition Catalog), São Paulo, Museu Afro Brasil. pp 118-205.
(Republished in: Debates do NER; Porto Alegre, PPGAS/UFRGS, Year 9, n. 13, 2008, p. 97-114)
2008. "Religion and Ethnicity. Religion and Race Relations in the Formation of Anthropology in Brazil". In PINHO, Osmundo and SANSONE, Livio (eds.). Race: New Anthropological Perspectives. Savior. ABA/EDUFBA. pp. 285-313.
2009. “The ethnographer and the animists - Nina Rodrigues and the formation of Afro-Brazilian religious ethnography”. In: Religion, Race and Identity. Colloquium on the Centenary of the death of Nina Rodrigues. São Paulo, Paulinas.
2010. “Secrets of writing and the writing of secrets. Reflections on ethnographic writing in Afro-Brazilian religions”. In: BARRETTI, Aulo (org.) From Yorubá to Candomblé Kétu. São Paulo, Edusp.
2010. “Formation and dynamics of Afro-Brazilian religions”. In:. SILVA, Eliana & BELLOTTI, Karina & CAMPOS, Leonildo (orgs) Religion and society in Latin America. São Bernardo do Campo, UMESP, pp 93-100.
2010. “Afro-Brazilian religions and national culture: an ethnography in hypermedia” (co-authored with Rita Amaral).In: PEREIRA, Edimilson de Almeida Pereira & DAIBERT Jr, Robert (orgs.)- Then, the Atlantic. Juiz de Fora, Editora UFJF, pp. 129-152.
2011. “Black Aliens and African American Religiosity.” In: LEPINE, Claude & HOFBAUER, Andreas & SCHWARCZ, Lilia (orgs.) Manuela Carneiro da Cunha- The place of culture and the role of the anthropologist. Rio de Janeiro, Beco do Azougue, 2011. pp. 275-279, 320p.
2012. “Afro-Brazilian and neo-Pentecostal religious conceptions: a symbolic analysis”. In: Pereira, João Baptista Borges (org.)- Religiosity in Brazil. São Paulo, Edusp, . pp. 219-256, 400p.
2013. “Brazil’s Eshu: At the Crossroads of the Black Atlantic”. In: Chemeche, George (ed.) – Eshu: The Divine Trickster. New York, Antique Collectors' Club, 312 p.
2016. ”Jorge, Amado de Exu, and vice versa”. In: DAIBERT JR, Robert & DAIBERT, Bárbara Simões. (Orgs.) In the mandinga bags: Afro-Brazilian religiosities in literary narratives. Juiz de Fora: Ed. UFJF/MAMM, 2016. ISBN:978-85-62136-35-1. pp139-163; 264p
2016. “Crossroads: conflicts between neo-Pentecostalism and African Brazilian religions”. In: ENGLER, Steven & SCHIMIDT, Bettina E. (eds.) - The Handbook of Contemporary Religions in Brazil. Brill Handbooks of Contemporary Religion Series, Leiden and Boston, Brill.
2016. “Candomblé: religion, world vision and experience” (co-authored with Fernando Giobellina) - In: ENGLER, Steven & SCHIMIDT, Bettina E. (eds.) - The Handbook of Contemporary Religions in Brazil. Brill Handbooks of Contemporary Religion Series, Leiden and Boston, Brill.
2017. "At the crossroads of the Black Atlantic – circularities in the cult of Exu". In: AFOLABI, Niyi & FALOLA, Toyin (orgs)- The Yoruba in Brazil, Brazil in Yorubaland: Cultural Encounter, Resilience, and Hybridity in the Atlantic World. Carolina Academic Press.
2017. Afro-Brazilian religions. Construction and legitimization of a field of academic knowledge (1900-1960)”. In: Campos, Roberta; Pereira, Fabiana; Matos, Silvana (eds.) – The New School of Recife: ideas, characters and institutions. Recife, UFPE Publisher, 2017. ISBN 978-85-415-0943-5. 489p. (pp. 66-102)
2018. “Exu do Brasil: tropes of an Afro-Brazilian identity in the tropics”. In: Pedrosa, Adriano; Carneiro, Amanda; Mesquita, André (orgs.) - Afro-Atlantic Stories, vol. 2 Anthology. São Paulo, MASP, 2018. ISBN: 978-85-310-0048-5. 624p. (pp. 392-398)
2019 “Religion and black cultural identity: Catholics, Afro -Brazilians and neo-Pentecostals”. In: Silva, Vagner Gonçalves da & Oliveira, Rosenilton Silva de & Silva Neto, Pedro da (orgs) – Alaiandê Xirê. Challenges of African-American religious culture in the 21st century. São Paulo, FEUSP. 382 p. (pp. 224-277) ISBN: 978-65-5013-006-0 (E-book); DOI: 10.11606/9786550130060
2019 “Singing to rise - an anthropological study of music ritual in São Paulo Candomblé”. (with Rita de Cássia Amaral). In: Silva, Vagner Gonçalves da & Oliveira, Rosenilton Silva de & Silva Neto, Pedro da (orgs) – Alaiandê Xirê. Challenges of African-American religious culture in the 21st century. São Paulo, FEUSP. 382 p. (pp. 327-373) ISBN: 978-65-5013-006-0 (E-book); DOI: 10.11606/9786550130060
2020. "`Edjé Balé. Some aspects of sacrifice in the Pernambuco xangô`, by Roberto Motta”. In: Moura, Carlos André; Costa, Danilo; Silva, Drance (eds.) -Sociology, Religions and Modernity - Essays in honor of Roberto Motta. Recife, Editora da Universidade de Pernambuco (EDUPE) 2020. 314 p., ISBN: 978-65-86413-26-7; p. 45 to 47.
2021. “The living architecture of the world: the terreiro as an epicenter”. In: Santos, Eufrázia Cristina Menezes and Dantas, Silvia Góis (Orgs.) - The paths of Anthropological Research: Homage to Beatriz Góis Dantas. Aracaju, SE: Criação Editora, 2021. 276p.;ISBN 978-65-88593-86-8; P. 207 to 219.
2023. “Poombo Njila - encontros e desencontros de culturas banto no Brasil”,. In: Através das águas. Os Bantu na Formação do Brasil. São Paulo: Editora Hucitec/FE-USP (Coleção Viramundo). 2023. ISBN 978-85-8404-357-6 (versão impressa); ISBN 978-65-87047-53-9 (E-book); DOI: 10.11606/9786587047539; p.280-300.
1992. “Postmodern anthropological criticism and the textual construction of Afro-Brazilian religious ethnography”. In: Cadernos de Campo, São Paulo. Department of Anthropology at USP, year 1, n.1, pp.47-60.
1992. “Singing to climb - an anthropological study of ritual music in São Paulo Candomblé” (co-authored with Rita Amaral). In: Religion and Society, Rio de Janeiro, ISER, v. 16, n.1/2, pp.160-184.
1993. “Candomblé in Brazil - oral tradition in the face of written knowledge”. In: Studia Africana - Publication of the Center D'StudisAfricans, Barcelona, n. 4, March, pp.79-88.
1993. “The terreiro and the city in Afro-Brazilian ethnographies”. In: Revista de Antropologia, FFLCH/USP, n.36, pp.33-79.
1993. “The color of axé - whites and blacks in the Candomblé of São Paulo”. (co-authored with Rita Amaral). In: Afro-Asian Studies, Rio de Janeiro, CEAA, n. 25, December, pp.99-124.
1993. “Interview with George Marcus”. Together with Heloísa Buarque de Almeida and Lídia Marcelino Rebouças. In: Cadernos de Campo, São Paulo. Department of Anthropology at USP, year3, n.3, pp.132-139.
1999. “The feeling of structures and the structures of feeling: the poetry that levistruze”. In: Revista de Antropologia, FFLCH/USP, n.42, n. 1 and 2 (pp.77-96).
2000. “Observers and observed: ethnographic research in the field of Afro-Brazilian religions”. In: Works on Anthropology and Ethnology. Lisboa, Ed.Gradiva, SPAE, vol. 40, 3/4, pp 161-178.
2002. "Afro-Brazilian religions. Construction and legitimization of a field of academic knowledge (1900-1960) ". In: USP Magazine. São Paulo, USP-CCS, n. 55 (pp. 82-111)
2005. “At the crossroads, with anthropologists”. In: Religion and Society, Rio de Janeiro, ISER, v. 24, n.2, pp.28-60.
2006. “Il candomblé e gli usi religiosi dello spazio urabano a São Paulo”. In: Religioni e Società (Thematic number: “Il religious afro-brasiliano”) Firenze University Press, Italy, year XXI, n. 54.< br /> 2006. “Afro-Brazilian and neo-Pentecostal religious conceptions: a symbolic analysis”. In: USP Magazine. São Paulo, USP-CCS, n. 67 (pp. 150-175)
2006. “It was true for every corner: Afro-Brazilian religions in the lyrics of the Brazilian popular musical repertoire”. (co-authored with Rita Amaral). In: Afro-Asia, Salvador, UFBA, n. 34, pp 189-235. Also available at hipertexto
2006. "Afro-Brazilian religions and national culture: an ethnography in hypermedia” (co-authored with Rita Amaral) . In: Caderno Pós Ciências Sociais. v.3, n.6, Jul/Dec, São Luis, MA, pp 107-130.
2007. “Neopentecostalism and Afro-Brazilian religions: Meanings of attack on the symbols of African religious heritage in contemporary Brazil" In: Mana. Estudos de Antropologia Social, Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional, 13 (1), pp 207-236.
2007. "Neo-Pentecostalism and Afro-Brazilian religions: Explaining the attacks on symbols of the African religious heritage in contemporary Brazil". In: Portal SciELO Social Sciences English Edition.
2008. “Afro-Brazilian religious art - The multiple aesthetics of Brazilian devotion”. In: NER Debates, Porto Alegre, PPGAS/UFRGS, Year 9, n. 13, p. 97-114.
2010. “Afro-Brazilian religious culture in the Afro Brasil Museum Collection” . In: Afro B - Magazine from the Afro Brasil Museum. N. 3. December 2010. São Paulo, pp. 56-63.
2011. “The question of secrecy in Candomblé”. In: Revista de História.com.br. Posted on 06/15/2011.
2011. “Religion and black cultural identity: Catholics, Afro-Brazilians and neo-Pentecostals”. In: Cadernos de Campo Magazine. São Paulo. Department of Anthropology at USP, v. 20, no. 20, Jan-Dec 2011. pp.295-303.
2012. “Artes do Axé. The Afro-Brazilian sacred in Carybé’s work”. In: Ponto Urbe. Journal of the USP Urban Anthropology Center. N.10, Year 6, July 2012.
2012. “Exu do Brasil: tropes of an Afro-Brazilian identity in the tropics”. In: Revista de Antropologia, São Paulo, DA-FFLCH-USP, n. 55, vol. 2, 2012
2014. “Religion and black cultural identity : Roman Catholics, Afro-Brazilians and Neopentecostalism” - VIBRANT - Journal of the Brazilian Association of Anthropology – ABA, vol. 11, pp 210-246.
2017. “Religion and black cultural identity: Afro-Brazilians, Catholics and evangelicals”. In: Afro-Asia, Salvador, UFBA, n.56, pp. 83-128.
2018. FAIAD DA SILVA, Caio & CÁTIA, Cristina B. M. & SILVA, Vagner G. da - “The analysis of multiculturalism in science curriculum: a proposal for the inclusion of Yoruba cosmogony in biology and astronomy contents”. In: Magazine of the Brazilian Association of Black Researchers (ABPN), [S.l.], v. 10, no. Special Edition, p. 381-408, jun. 2018. ISSN 2177-2770.
2018. “Sergio Ferretti, knowledge and generosity”. (Obituary). In: Anuário Antropológico, Brasília, UnB, 2018, v. 43, n. 2: 401-403.
2018. “A forest of sacred leaves: the National Sanctuary of Umbanda and the cult of nature. (co-authored: Matheus Colli-Silva) In: Interact: thinking about extension. Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ N. 26, p. 11-33, JUL/DEC. 2018. (ISSN: 1519-8847 | E-ISSN: 2236-4447)
2019. “Legba in Brazil – transformations and continuities of a divinity”. In: Revista Sociologia & Anthropology. Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ. V.9, n.2, ISSN 2236-7527 (printed); ISSN 2238-3875, May-August 2019; pp.453-468;
2019. “Memories and research experiences at Casa das Minas de São Luís do Maranhão: Interview with Sergio Ferretti”. In: Revista Sociologia & Anthropology. Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ; V.9, n.2, ISSN 2236-7527 (printed); ISSN 2238-3875 (online), May-August 2019, pp.365-383;
2022. “Exu (Eshu)”. In: World Religions & Spirituality Project (WRSP).
2023. “'The earth is circular' – Afro-Atlantic cosmologies and political action in the film Ôrí”
Curatorship and Exhibition Catalog
2008. The Divine Sacred and Religious Inspiration. Syncretisms. São Paulo. Afro Brasil Museum.
Organized magazine
2007. Living History, Great Religions - Afro cults, n. 6, São Paulo, Duetto Editorial. (July)
Elaborated websites
1999. Homepage of the Anthropology Department of USP (co-authored with Rita Amaral).
1999. Academic homepage by Vagner Gonçalves da Silva (co-authored with Rita Amaral)
2006. Afro-Brazilian Religions and National Culture. An Approach to Hypermedia (Project co-authored with Rita Amaral)
Lectures and events available on the Internet
2005. Video-Class: Afro-Brazilian religions. Course : Race, Development and social inequality. Agreement: University of São Paulo, Federal University of Bahia, Howard University and Vanderbilt University.
2008. International Symposium Diálogos Brazil - United States: Anthropological studies and processes of production of difference: ethnicity, race, sexuality, gender, age.
2015. Interview Religious intolerance. UNIV
2015. Urban Concerns Seminar: Religious Intolerance (CEUMA-USP)
2015. Table: “Mission Collection of Folklore research – UNESCO Heritage”. Work presented: “Religion, heritage and black cultural identity”
2020. Lecture/Live on the collection of objects of material culture and African art from the São Paulo Assis Chateubriand Museum of Art (MASP).
2020. Lecture/Live Religious intolerance. Program “Pleasure, Karnal - Leandro Karnal's Official Channel”.
2020. Lecture/Live “Dialogue with @Pesquisadora”. Postgraduate Program in Archeology and Cultural Heritage (PPGap) CAHL/UFRB.
2021. Lecture: “Afro-Brazilian religious culture: between repression and exaltation”. Municipal Chamber of Monte Alegre do Sul.
2021. Debate and launch of the book “Terreiros tombados em São Paulo. Reports and Reflections on the patrimonialization of Afro-Brazilian cultural assets”. “Think Africanly” Channel.
2021. Debate and launch of the book “Terreiros tombados em São Paulo. Reports and Reflections on the patrimonialization of Afro-Brazilian cultural assets”. SindServ-SBC.
2021. Conversation circle “A dispatch at the crossroads: religious racism disguised as religious intolerance”. SESC Campo Limpo – Aruanda Studios,
2021. Debate on the film “From further away we have come”. Traditional Culture Cycle.
2021. Conversation circle: “From planted axé to fallen axé. Stories and memories of Ilê Afro-Brazilian Ode Lorecy.”
2022. Podcast: “Why does Exu inspire political struggles today?”
2023. Podcast: Diversity in Science #78 - “The different aspects of Exu and its representations”
Artistic production (literature-poetry)
1998. “Poemas”. In: Friday. Anthropology, Arts and Humanities. São Paulo, Plethora, n.2, year 2, pp.174-175.
2005. “Poem of ethnographic expeditions”. In: Os Urbanitas – Journal of Urban Anthropology, year 2, vol. 2, num. 3, December 2005.
s/d. “Field diary - Ethnographic poetry