Histórico PPGAS Indica
This speech by Professor Heloisa Buarque de Almeida takes up an overview of the issues and aggressions related to gender, race, sexuality and class that affect academic life, based on data from her experience at USP as a professor, active in the Non-Cala USP Network and involved with human rights issues. Information and withdrawals from the research "Interactions at USP" are also indicated in this speech, at the invitation of the committee "Welcomes IB".
Access link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7CPb1EcFMM
The first British Commonwealth Chair in Social Anthropology was inaugurated at the University of Cavo City, University of Cape Town (UCT), by the British anthropologist Alfred Radcliffe-Brown, in 1921. Situated in South Africa prior to apartheid, it emerged in opposition to the regime racist exception established in 1948. The objective of the conference is to give intelligibility to social and power relations immersed in a complex geopolitical fabric, beyond the colony/metropolis duality, which reconfigures the issues of segregation, race and gender, in a time and specific spaces, conforming the boundaries of the anthropology then practiced.
Registration: http://bit.ly/conferencia_agosto21
Watch in: unifesp.br/webinar
Sesc - Social Service of Commerce invites for the opening of the exhibition Encontros Ameríndios.
Opening Online Event
July 31, 2021, 3 pm, via youtube.com/sescvilamariana channel
With Sylvia Caiuby Novaes (designer and coordinator of the exhibition project), Marina Herrero (indigenist) and Els Lagrou (researcher)
Mediation: Tatiana Amaral (Technical Assistant at Gepros - Studies and Social Programs Management at Sesc São Paulo)
Translated into LIBRAS
Sesc Vila Mariana presents the exhibition Encontros Ameríndios, from 7/31/21 to 2/13/22, coordinated by Sylvia Caiuby Novaes and curated by Aristoteles Barcelos Neto, with the proposal to explore dialogic possibilities based on the encounter among the arts of the Haida and Tahltan peoples (Canada), Guna (Panama), Shipibo Konibo (Peru) and Huni Kuin (Brazil).
The exhibition, including paintings, drawings, digital art, embroidery and wood carving, features works by the MAHKU Huni Kuin Collective, from the Alto Rio Jordão Indigenous Land, in Acre (Brazil); the artists Shipibo-Konibo Olinda Silvano, Wilma Maynas, Silvia Ripoca, Ronin Koshi Arias Silvano and Dora Inuma Ramírez from Alto Ucayali and the Cantagallo Community in Lima, Peru; by artists Guna Ana Bella Fernandez, Angelmira Owens Perez, Benilda Mores, Briseida Iglesias, Buna Bipi, Conciencia Grace Rodriguez, Dilma Gardel, Edita Lopez, Emilsy Fernandez, Flor Fernandez, Gilda Tejada, Lea Amelta Tejada, Lonilda Gonzalez, Lucre Tejada and Victoria Gonzalez of the Comarca Guna Yala in Panama; by artists Haida Gwaai Edenshaw and Jaalen Edenshaw of the Haida Gawaii Archipelago in Canada; and by artist Tahltan Alano Edzerza of Telegraph Creek also in Canada.
The choice of works is based on two paths, one being the in-depth curatorial study of the original peoples and their works, and the other, the intercultural translation of the ideas and motivations of their artists behind their productions, with the aim of bringing the the artists' individual creativity, the changes in their works over time, the thematic universe approached by each one, the plastic and aesthetic preferences and the philosophical and cosmological issues of the arts of these Amerindian peoples. The curatorial process was guided by the biographies and reflections of indigenous artists, having as one of the concerns the protagonism of their authors.
Thus, the exhibition proposes, through reflections and educational actions, to stimulate and expand knowledge about native peoples and their arts, presenting their different communities, philosophies and existing cosmovisions, bringing convergences and challenges that make the Amerindian worlds recognizable and communicable each other.
Scheduling visits from the 27th of July, through the website:
Sylvia Caiuby Novaes (CestA - Center for Amerindian Studies, USP) and Marina Marcela Herrero
Aristoteles Barcelos Neto (Associate Professor at the University of East Anglia)
TAHLTAN – Alano Edzerza, HAIDA – Gwaai Edenshaw and Jaalen Edenshaw, GUNA – Ana Bella Fernandez, Angelmira Owens Perez, Benilda Mores, Briseida Iglesias, Buna Bipi, Conciencia Grace Rodriguez, Dilma Gardel, Edita Lopez, Emilsy Fernandez, Flor Fernandez , Lea Amelta Tejada, Lonilda Gonzalez, Lucrecia Places, Rosalia Tejada and Victoria Gonzalez, SHIPIBO KONIBO - Olinda Silvano, Wilma Maynas, Silvia Ricopa, Ronin Koshi Arias Inuma and Dora Inuma Ramírez, HUNI KUIN - Mahku Collective
Prata Produções – Valeria Prata and Uato Artes Cênicas - Ulysses Fernandes
Fabiana Farias
Marina Marcela Herrero, El Ambulante Audiovisual, Jefferson de Souza Vasconcellos, time lapse and audio Maurício Azzolini
Studio Marcio Medina
Maira Takiy and Sofia Villela
Studio Daó
Everton Ballardin, Maurício Azzolini and Mike Peckett
James Baccarin
André Boll
Projects Jar
Carolina Velasquez
Angela Freitas
Regina Stocklen
Pro Affinitè Consultoria e Corretagem de Seguros Ltda.
More Differences, Museum
Mercio Dias ME
Acre/Brazil - Els Lagrou and Hamilton Pelegrino de Mattos (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Vancouver/Canada - Max Carocci (Chelsea College of Art, University of the Arts, London)
Guna Yala and Panama City (Panama) - Atilio Martínez (historian of the Guna people, Panama)
Dear colleagues,
Due to the serious events that have taken place in Colombia since last week, which culminated in strikes and violent repressions in the last few days, we decided to postpone our event, which counted on the participation of several Colombian anthropological colleagues and with the institutional support of Universidad Externado de Colombia . In this way, our decision is based primarily on respect and solidarity for what our Colombian colleagues are going through and on support, in a general way for students, academics and other Colombian citizens.
We also inform you that the tables will be transferred to the 26th and 27th of May and we count on the help of all of you to publicize this postponement carried out in an urgent manner.
Thank you in advance for your support and understanding.
A big hug,
Juliana Caruso on behalf of the organizing committee
The event aims to contribute to the debate on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic with different segments of culture and the arts in Brazil. For this, it will start from the presentation and discussion of the results of the survey Perception of the impacts of Covid-19 (https://iccscovid19.com.br/) in the cultural and creative sectors of Brazil, of which FFLCH-USP is a supporter, followed by an expanded debate on the situation of the different artistic-cultural circuits in the period before the pandemic and during the social isolation adopted in March 2020
Below the schedule and guests of each table. All discussions will be transmitted through the FFLCH-USP channel on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/uspfflch1
Day 16/12 (Wednesday) From 17:00 to 19:00
Gilberto Figueiredo (Sesc Nacional)
Isabel de Paula (UNESCO Brazil)
Maria Arminda do Nascimento Arruda (FFLCH / USP / NSC)
Rodrigo Amaral (USP)
Culture research and the implications of the pandemic
Day 17/12 (Thursday) From 10:00 to 12:00
Daniele Canedo and Carlos Paiva (OBEC-BA / UFRB)
Manuel Gama (POLOBS / University of Minho)
Luciana Piazzon B. Lima (Cetic.br)
Gilberto Figueiredo (Sesc Nacional)
Artistic languages and their producers in times of pandemic
17/12 (Thursday) From 17:00 to 19:00
Marcello Stella (USP)
Nathanael Araújo (UNICAMP)
Daniela Vieira (UEL)
Pearl Mathias (UFRJ)
Artistic languages and their producers in times of pandemic
Day 18/12 (Friday) 10:00 - 12:00
Larissa Lacerda Menendez (UFMA)
Guilherme MCovid-19 Culture and Impact Debates Covid-19 Culture and Impact Debates Debates on Culture and Impacts Covid-19 Debates on Culture and Impacts Covid-19arcondes dos Santos (UECE)
Tony Nakatany (USP)
Sabrina Parracho (UFRRJ)
Day 18/12 (Friday) From 17:00 to 19:00
Maria Arminda do Nascimento Arruda (USP)
Marcelo Siqueira Ridenti (Unicamp)
Maria Eduarda da Mota Rocha (UFPE)
Danilo Santos de Miranda (SESC-SP)
Online event brings together specialists from USP to discuss vaccines against covid-19
The meeting will address the issue of vaccines from the perspective of five areas of knowledge: sociology, medicine, economics, logistics and law
The Dean of Graduate Studies (PRPG), the Institute for Advanced Studies (IEA) and the Superintendency of Social Communication (SCS) promote, on the next December 14 (Monday), the online event “Vaccines and covid-19: a multidisciplinary vision ”.
The meeting, which will be broadcast by Canal USP, starting at 8 am, will bring together specialists from the University who will address the issue of vaccines against coronavirus from the perspective of five areas of knowledge: sociology, medicine, economics, logistics and law.
There will be six sessions in which the scientific, epidemiological, social, economic, legal and related aspects of vaccine distribution to the population will be discussed. The mediation will be done by SCS journalist Herton Escobar.
“The University must be present at times when the population and the public sector need qualified information and presented by specialists in different areas. The meeting was planned to answer objective questions, but based on scientific content ”, explains the pro-rector of Graduate Studies, Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior.
Event schedule
8 am: Opening: Covid-19, Vaccine and Society
Vahan Agopyan, Dean of USP
Glauco Arbix, professor of the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH / USP)
Guilherme Ary Plonski, full professor in the Department of Administration at the Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accounting (FEA / USP) and director of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IEA / USP)
8:10 am: Session 1 - The development of Covid-19 vaccines, basic aspects
Luis Carlos Souza Ferreira, professor at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICB / USP)
Célio Silva, professor at Ribeirão Preto Medical School (FMRP / USP)
Jorge Elias Kalil Filho, professor at the Faculty of Medicine (FM / USP)
9 am: Session 2 - The Butantan Institute and the vaccine for Covid-19, current situation
Dimas Covas, professor at FMRP / USP and director of Instituto Butantan
9:15 am: Session 3 - Vaccination: state of the art of epidemiological and clinical aspects
Esper Kallas, Full Professor at the Faculty of Medicine (FM / USP)
Expedito José de Albuquerque Luna, professor at the Department of Preventive Medicine at FM / USP
10:15 am - Questions and discussion
10:45 am - Session 4: Vaccination: logistics for covid-19 vaccination in Brazil
Claudio Barbieri, full professor at the Department of Transport Engineering at Escola Politécnica (Poli / USP)
Paulo Gonçalves, University of Lugano
Hugo Tsugunobu Yoshida Yoshizaki, associate professor in the Production Engineering Department at Poli / USP
11:15 am - Session 5: The costs of a vaccine and a pandemic
Maria Dolores Montoya Diaz, professor at the Department of Economics at FEA / USP
Fernando Antônio Slaibe Postali, professor at the Department of Economics at FEA / USP
11:45 am - Session 6: Society, State and Law in Vaccination
Virgílio Afonso da Silva, professor at the Faculty of Law (FD / USP)
12:15 pm - Questions and discussion
12h45 - Closing
Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior, Dean of Graduate Studies at USP
The program of Image and Sound at the 44th ANPOCS Annual Meeting includes films, photo essays, theater and music, open to the public. The program can be accessed at the link: https://www.anpocs2020.sinteseeventos.com.br/conteudo/view?ID_CONTEUDO=1034
The film Afro-Sampas, produced by LISA co-directed by Rose Satiko Hikiji and Jasper Chalcraft, is on show and will be debated on December 6 from 11 am to 1 pm at the Music and Pictures table in different contexts.

CPC-USP is offering a free course that will discuss the importance of oral sources in enhancing the memory of groups and present tools that can enable participants to implement history and memory projects and to build collections. It will be carried out in the distance mode, being necessary that the interested ones have access to the internet in speed and adequate conditions to the accompaniment of videos transmitted live. For more information access http://e.usp.br/gmk.
Realization: from 8 to 11 February 2021, from 9 am to 12 pm
Hours: 12 hours
25 places
Interested parties must complete the registration form from October 30 at: https://forms.gle/
The Roundtable on Archives of Culture and Indigenous Languages will discuss discussions on the formation of "indigenous archives", their construction histories and how they were organized. In addition, it will seek to elaborate a theoretical and conceptual reflection on what an "indigenous archive" is and what its potentialities would be. The discussion will also prove useful as a tool for collectives that are organizing or thinking about organizing their files.
With the participation of:
Laísa Tossin - BBM resident researcher,
Marcos Maciel Lima Cunha - Macuxi Ethnicity - TI Raposa Serra do Sol - Master in Social Anthropology UFRR - Indigenous Documentation Center of the Consolata Missionaries Institute
Luísa Valentini - PhD in Social Anthropology - USP
Lorena Rodriguez - Professor in Anthropological Sciences at the Universidad de Buenos Aires - Researcher Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica - CONICET
Anari Bomfim - Pataxó Ethnicity - Doctoral Student in Social Anthropology - National Museum - Atxohã - Pataxó Researchers Group
Awoy Pataxó - Ethnicity Pataxó - Graduated in Intercultural Degree - Professor of Patxohã - Coordinator of Atxohã - Pataxó Researchers Group
The event will be online and will take place on October 1, 2020, at 3 pm. Registrations must be made by e-mail: eventosbbm@usp.br
This panel, motivated by the proposal of ADPF 709 by the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (Apib) in the Supreme Federal Court, is dedicated to a shared analysis of the concept of genocide, as it has been articulated in the struggles of indigenous peoples, in the humanities and social, in legal practice. At the center of the debate are an examination of the elements that make it possible to characterize the Brazilian government's stance towards indigenous peoples in the context of the covid-19 pandemic as genocidal and an assessment of possible joint coping strategies, linking research, information and the defense of human rights. . To this end, the Panel brings together researchers and indigenous activists and partners, stimulating interdisciplinary debate and intercultural dialogue, understanding the cooperation of knowledge as fundamental to the achievement of effective actions to combat the pandemic among indigenous peoples, in the absence of the state. The event is a joint realization of Andhep, through the Forum on Violations of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (FVDPI), and the Center for Amerindian Studies at USP, within the scope of the campaign "Indigenous Peoples facing covid-19".
Jozileia Jagsó (Arpinsul; Indigenous Front to Combat Covid-19 in Indigenous Lands of the Southern Region)
Luiz Henrique Eloy (Apib; EHESS/France)
Eloísa Machado de Almeida (FGV Law School/SP; CADHu)
Rubens Valente (Columnist of UOL)
Rafael Pacheco (PPGAS and CEstA/USP; FVDPI)