

The Center for Studies on Social Markers of Difference (NUMAS/USP) presents:​​​​​​​

From the struggle for rights to everyday agencies: LGBTQIA+ subjects in South Africa and Brazil 

Silvia Aguião (AFRO/CEBRAP and CLAM/UERJ)

Susan Holland-Muter (University of the Western Cape)

Debate: Suely Messeder (UNEB)

Mediation: Alessandra Tavares (PPGAS/USP)

Translation: Phillip Leite and Thais Tiriba (PPGAS/USP)


Friday, October 8th, 2021

10am (Brasília)

3pm (South Africa)

Subscription Link:

ORGANIZATION: Thais Tiriba (PPGAS/USP) and Laura Moutinho (PPGAS/USP)

PRODUCTION: Carolina Parreiras (NUMAS/USP) and Milena Mateuzi (PPGAS/USP)

SUPPORT: African Studies Committee - Brazilian Association of Anthropology (CEA-ABA)

Building spaces of belonging: queer lesbians in Cape Town

Susan Holland-Muter

Abstract: Two dominant and contrasting narratives characterize public discourse on queer sexualities in Cape Town. On the one hand, the city is considered the gay capital of South Africa, a place that promises opportunities, well-being and belonging. Cape Town, on the other hand, is also known for being a city of strong racialized contrasts, with queer experience materialized in places of racialized (in)security, zones of pleasure and danger in a bifurcated lens of rich zones/township, safety and danger . This presentation will explore narratives of the everyday lives of queer women and lesbians in Cape Town. Interviews with lesbians from my doctoral study will be explored through their counter-narratives, which reveal how they actively "make" Cape Town a home from within and in relation to racialized and class heteronormativities. Navigating Cape Town's everyday/night space reveals the specific and focused lesbian way of occupying and inhabiting the city. Their queer lifeworlds overlap, complement and contradict the city's official 'Pink Maps' and rework the meaning of the representation of Cape Town as the gay capital of South Africa. These gray out the racialized binary of security and territorial danger and produce moods of lesbian home constructions, notably embodied lesbian modes; homonormativity and borders. These counter-narratives reveal queer lesbian lifeworlds that are ephemeral, contingent and fractured, making known hybrid, contrasting, and alternative narratives of the city.


Susan Holland-Muter holds a Ph.D. in Humanities from the Department of Sociology at the University of Cape Town in South Africa. She has been actively participating in social movements of women and LGBTI people in South Africa and Colombia, and working as a researcher, teacher and public policy advocate in the areas of gender and sexuality policies. Her publications include a focus on lesbian motherhood, families and queer kinship, as well as the politics of lesbian spatialities in everyday life. She is the author of Outside of the Safety Zone: An agenda for research on violence against lesbian and gender non-conforming women in South Africa. He currently teaches in the Department of Sociology at the University of the Western Cape. 

Notes on a trajectory of research on sexuality, gender, race and government policy in Brazil

Silvia Aguião

Abstract: The presentation exposes some ethnographic elements of research carried out between 2003 and 2016, regarding the constitution of the field of “LGBT” rights and the “promotion of gender and race equality” at the Brazilian government level. The objective is to reflect on the relationship between the research questions, the sociopolitical context of the period and the theoretical-methodological perspectives adopted in the investigations. 

Silvia Aguião holds a Ph.D. in Social Sciences from the State University of Campinas, a Masters in Public Health from the Institute of Social Medicine/UERJ and a degree in Social Sciences from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Performed post-doctoral internships at the Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP) and at the Graduate Program in Psychology at the Federal University of Maranhão (PPGPI/UFMA). She is currently a research associate at AFRO - Center for Research and Training in Race, Gender and Racial Justice (AFRO/CEBRAP) and at the Latin American Center for Sexuality and Human Rights (CLAM/UERJ). It operates and conducts research in the areas of sexuality, gender and race in its interfaces with sociability, policies and rights, social movements and State processes. She is the editor of Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad - Revista Latinoamericana and author of the book Doing yourself in the State. An ethnography on the process of constitution of the 'LGBT' as subjects of rights in contemporary Brazil (Eduerj, 2018). 

Suely Messeder - debater

Suely Messeder has a degree in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), a Masters degree from the Postgraduate Program in Social Sciences at UFBA and a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University Santiago de Compostela, validated in Brazil by the Postgraduate Program in Anthropology - UFBA She is a full professor at the University of the State of Bahia - UNEB. She was coordinator of the Multi-institutional and Multidisciplinary Doctorate in Dissemination of Knowledge and permanent professor of the Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism at Campus II - Alagoinhas. She is the coordinator of the Enlace Research Group and was the first secretariat of the ABEH (Brazilian Association of Homoculture Studies) during the 2010-2012 administration. She was manager of the Technical Cooperation Agreement between the Public Ministry and the State University of Bahia. He is currently a member of the Basic Advisory and Technical Assessment Chamber at FAPESB. Her interests in teaching, research and extension are in the areas of sexualities, masculinities, gender relations, body, ethnic-racial relations, knowledge management and dissemination, social entrepreneurship, social technology and Bahia.

Period: 30-09-2021 até 01-10-2021
PPGAS/USP YouTube Channels

Schedule 09/30

From 10:00am to 12:00pm

Opening: Laura Moutinho (PPGA/USP)
                Ana Paula Hey (PPGS/USP)

Opening table

Coordination: Jacqueline Moraes Teixeira (CEM/ COPAF/ NUMAS/ USP)
                        Amanda Amparo (PPGAS/COPAF/USP)
                        Marcia Lima (PPGS/USP)
                        Antônio Sérgio Guimarães (PPGS/ USP)



From 14:30 to 16:30

Table 1: Indigenous peoples in graduate school

Coordination: Diego Madi Dias (School of Public Health/ USP)
                        Fabiane Medina da Cruz (UNICAMP)
                        Talita Lazarin DalBo (Intervillages Committee)
                        Emerson Oliveira (PPGAS/ USP)

Debater: Wanda Ortega Witoto (MEIAM/ UEA - Parque das Tribos/ Manaus)



From 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Table 2: Trans people in affirmative action policies in graduate school

Coordination: Silvana Nascimento (PPGAS/ USP)
                        Brume December Iazetti (Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters)
                        Sayonara Nogueira (Director - IBTE)

Debater: Gabrielle Weber (Environmental Engineering/ USP)




Schedule 10/01


From 10:00 am to 12:30 pm

Table 3: Race relations in the field of affirmative action

Coordination: Juliana Costa (USP/ Women)
                        Andrea Lopes
                        Regimeire Maciel (UFABC)
                        Anna Venturini (Cebrap/USP)
Debater: Jocélio Santos (UFBA)



From 14:30 to 16:00

Table 4: People with disabilities in affirmative action policies in graduate studies

Coordination: Shirley Silva (FE/ USP)
                        Valeria Aydos (UFRGS)
                        Anahi Guedes de Mello (UFSC/ Anis-Institute of Bioethics)
                        Luciana Viégas (Black Lives with Disabilities Matter/ Autism Magazine)

Debater: Pedro Lopes (City School and NUMAS/ USP)



From 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Table 5: Heteroclassification Commissions: Research and Experiences

Coordination: Adriana Alves (Institute of Geosciences/ USP)
                        Ana Paula Miranda (UFF)
                        Rodrigo Ednilson (UFMG)
                        Paulo Neves (UFABC)

Debater: Acácio Almeida (UFABC)


Evento remoto: Youtube

Live release of Volume 6 of GIS - Gesto, Imagem e Som - Revista de Antropologia with the participation of the volume's editor, Francirosy Barbosa, the organizers of the Musicar Local dossier, Erica Giesbrecht, Rose Satiko Hijiki and Vi Grunvald, and the authors Suzel Ana Reily (Unicamp) and Jean dos Anjos (LAI/UFC).

Live broadcast:

Volume 6 of GIS has articles, essays, translations, reviews, in addition to the In Memoriam and Achados na Rede section.

Contributed in vol. 6: Alexsânder Nakaóka Elias, Alice Nin, Alice Villela, Amanda Ravetz, Ana Carolina Brindarolli, Anna Flávia Guimarães Hartmann, Anna Grimshaw, Andre Castro Soares, André GoldFeder, Arthur Silva Barbosa, Brenno Brandalise Demarchi, Clarice E. Peixoto, Cristina de Branco , Ellis Regina Sanchez Hermoza, Érica Giesbrecht, Felipe Neis Araujo, Fernando de Tacca, Gibran Teixeira Braga, Jaqueline Gomes, Jean Souza dos Anjos, Julia Couto Mota, Juan Pablo Estupiñán, Kelen Pessuto, Luís Felipe Hirano, Luiz Ricardo Basso Ballestero, Luiz Henrique Campos Pereira, Luiza Fernandes Coelho, Marcelo Artioli Schellini, María Eugenia Domínguez, Mariana Santos Teófilo, Meno Del Picchia, Michael Taussig, Noelle Rodrigues Ventura, Paula Pagliari de Braud, Raquel Mendonça Martins, Renan Moretti Bertho, Riccardo Putti, Roderick Peter Steel , Rogério Gonçalves de Carvalho, Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji, Soraya Fleischer, Silvia Citro, Suzel Ana Reily, Sylvia Caiuby Novaes, Tatiana Lotierzo, Tayná Corrêa de Sá, Vi Grunvald.

We invite you to browse the magazine's summary to access the items that interest you. Access


Based on two research experiences about businesses and traders in the Chiado area, in Lisbon, and Bonfim, in Porto, Portugal, it is intended to discuss how the notions of tradition and identity are strategically mobilized, in different ways, by the projects of city marketing by the public authorities and by merchants, engendering ambivalences and negotiations. It is proposed to think of these concepts as local constructions from the context of globalization.

Daphne Assis Cordeiro - Doctor in Anthropology from UFF

Priscilla Santos - Master in Sociology at FLUP (Porto)


Luís Vicente Baptista - Professor at Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Date: 09/16/2021

Time: 11 am (Brazil), 3 pm (Portugal),



PPGAS/USP invites everyone and everyone to the inaugural class with the title "In the war of men, what do women want?"


The class will be available on youtube link, on September 15, at 05h30PM.

Period: 23-08-2021 até 27-08-2021

Registration and calls for proposals for Working Groups (WGs) and Round Tables (MRs) are open - https: //enadir2021.blogspot. com/p/editais.html

Check the schedule: https: // wbr />programacao.html .

The National Encounters of Anthropology of Law, ENADIR, are biannual events promoted by the Nucleus of Anthropology of Law, NADIR, based in the Department of Anthropology of the University of São Paulo, USP. Despite the almost identical names, the meetings and the nucleus are not confused, since it is the existence of NADIR, since 2008, that allows the realization of ENADIR, since 2009, although it is possible to say that they feed each other.

ENADIR's goals have remained firm since 2009: to generate new knowledge and promote the improvement of the quality of scientific production in the field of anthropology of law and related areas, encouraging and supporting exchanges between researchers from different national institutions and even international higher education, research, governmental and non-governmental organizations.

We hope that, in these times so adverse for academic life, for Brazilian political life and for the lives of each one of us, the VII ENADIR will be a place of welcome, encouragement and renewal of hopes. May the perception and the reiteration that we form a large collective of researchers, focused on topics of high social and political relevance, strengthen us and make us proceed with special determination.

Period: 01-08-2021 até 31-08-2021

Film screenings and conversation circles

Celebrating 30 years of creation and 20 years of production by the Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA) of the Anthropology Department of the University of São Paulo (USP), the exhibition Between cities: ethnographic films in dialogue - Brazil and Colombia proposes a dialogue film between multiple cities in the state of São Paulo, Brazil and the region of Antioquia, Colombia. through the colors, sounds and movements registered by the lenses of anthropologists and anthropologists from the two countries, Brazil and Colombia. Separated into three programs, the 29 works narrate multiple possibilities of (re)existing.

08/06/2021, 5:30 pm - The city and its spaces highlights different places as articulating powers, that affect and mobilize people. -

08/11/2021, 3 pm - Space and its arts includes portraits of diverse artistic expressions and cultural in urban contexts -

08/20/2021, 5:30 pm - The space and its inhabitants addresses the people who, to their In this way, they circulate and appropriate spaces in the registered contexts, seeking different forms of belonging  -

Registration: event open to the public

Programming completehttp: //



NAU/USP June Webinar.

Centralities of São Paulo: the urban in dispute

• Prof. Dr. Heitor Frúgoli Jr. (USP);
• Prof. Dr. Giancarlo Machado (State University of Montes Claros - MG).

Debate with:
• Bianca Siqueira M. Domingos (PhD in Urban and Regional Planning at UNIVAP);
• Sâmia Graziela P. de Souza (master's student in Anthropology from PPGAS/USP).

Date: June 30, 2021, Wednesday.
Time: 4 p.m.
Location: LabNAU-USP channel on Youtube.

Period: 21-06-2021 até 22-06-2021

Anthropology Congress UAB / USP

This congress aims to reflect on social and political events that are currently shaking local and global realities: social transformations, forms of protest, political positions (although silenced), conceptual articulations and different perspectives in relation to established systems. All of this in order to understand the present political moment from new anthropological perspectives. This meeting is aimed at young researchers (master) and doctorate in Anthropology, from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and from the University of São Paulo, who have advanced research.


Submission of abstracts: 14.05.2021 (300 words. 5 keywords)
Proposals accepted: 21.05.2021
Submission of papers: 11.06.2021 (8 to 10,000 words)
Communications and texts may be in Spanish, Portuguese or English.
All emails should be sent, simultaneously, to: Silvana Nascimento ( and Virginia Fons (

Communications will be debated by commentators and reviewed for publication: students from USP will be able to publish in Revista Periferia, from the UAB Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology( and UAB students in Revista Ponto.Urbe, from USP's Department of Anthropology(, according to the evaluation rules of each journal.

Scientific Committee / Scientific Committee:
USP:Silvana de Souza Nascimento (Responsible for the UAB-USP Agreement), Heitor Frúgoli Jr. (head of the Anthropology Department / DA), Márcio Ferreira da Silva (DA representative) Marta Amoroso (Coordinator of the Amerindian Studies Center; DA), Heloísa Buarque de Almeida (DA representative), João Felipe Gonçalves (DA representative) and Arthur Fontgaland (Editorial Team of Ponto.Urbe Magazine).
UAB:Virginia Fons (Responsible for the UAB-USP Agreement), Montserrat Ventura i Oller (Director of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology); Miranda Lubbers (Doctoral Program Coordinator); José Luis Molina, Montserrat Clua and Teresa Habimana (Periferia Magazine Editorial Board).

Communication of the event in PDF

Este congreso propone reflexionar sobre los acontecimientos sociales y políticos que están sacudiendo actualmente las realidades locales y globales: las transformaciones sociales, las formas de protesta, los posicionamientos (aunque silenciados), las articulaciones conceptuales y las miradas diferenciadas de lo establecido. Todo ello con el fin de entender el momento político presente con nuevas perspectivas antropológicas. Este encuentro está destinado a jóvenes investigadores(as) de máster y de doctorado en Antropología de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona y de la Universidade de São Paulo, que estén con sus investigaciones avanzadas.

Envío de resúmenes: 14.05.2021 (300 palabras. 5 palabras clave)
Propuestas aceptadas: 21.05.2021
Presentación de trabajos: 11.06.2021 (8 a 10,000 palabras)
Las comunicaciones y los textos pueden estar en español, portugués o inglés. Todos los correos electrónicos deben enviarse, simultáneamente, a: Silvana Nascimento ( y Virginia Fons (

Los ponencias serán discutidas por comentaristas y revisadas para publicación: los estudiantes de la USP podrán hacerlo en la Revista Periferia, del Departamento de Antropología Social y Cultural de la UAB ( y los estudiantes de la UAB en la Revista Ponto.Urbe, del Departamento de Antropología de la USP (, según las normas de evaluación de cada revista.


Do-city: about city uses and appropriations

• Lígia Ferro (University of Porto / Portugal);
• Enrico Spaggiari (NAU / GEAC / USP).

Debate with:
• Bárbara Côrtes Loureiro (master's student in Social Sciences at UNIFESP);
• Michel de Paula Soares (doctoral student in Anthropology at PPGAS / USP).

• Prof. Dr. Giancarlo Machado (State University of Montes Claros-MG);
• Prof. Dr. José Guilherme Magnani (USP).

Date: May 27, 2021, Thursday.
Time: 10:30 am (BR) / 2:30 pm (PT).
Location: LabNAU-USP channel on Youtube.