Pierre Verger Prize Exhibition - ABA Debate
Lisa-GRAVI (USP), in partnership with La’Grima (Unicamp), Sensolab (Javeriana), Labareda (UFPB) hold the Itinerant Film Exhibition of the Pierre Verger Award - ABA. Until July 1, the winning films of the 2020 edition can be watched online by requesting registration by email:
The debate with guest directors and the Open Conversation (see full schedule on the poster) will take place on July 1st, starting at 10 am. All programming will take place via the zoom platform.
Access to the zoom room will be through the link:…
meeting ID: 811 4847 2207
Access password: 455948
CestA invites to the online event:
Roundtable – "The sounds of indigenous politics: singing, partying, fighting"
With: Rosângela de Tugny (UFSB), Idjahure Kadiwel (USP) and Paola Gibram (USP)
Mediation: Renato Sztutman (USP)
Coordination: Paola Gibram (USP)
Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 6pm
On the CestA Youtube channel
The documentary Afro-Sampas, directed by Jasper Chalcraft and Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji (professor at the Department of Anthropology at FFLCH-USP), produced by the Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA-USP) will be released this Monday, 23 /05, at 7 pm, at the Afrika Cultural Center (Rua Major Diogo, 518), in São Paulo, during the Musiques D'Afrique Festival. The event is free. The festival is a celebration of the World Africa Day "May 25th", the day of the signing of the OAU (Organization of the African Union) agreements, and aims to celebrate African cultures that manifest themselves with multiple expressions such as: music, performance, dance and poetry, in addition to the screening of two documentaries. The documentary Afro-Sampas proposes a look at what can happen when African and Brazilian musicians are brought into contact in the city where they live. Yannick Delass (Democratic Republic of Congo), Edoh Fiho (Togo), Lenna Bahule (Mozambique) and Brazilians Ari Colares, Chico Saraiva and Meno del Picchia are the guests for a first meeting in which they experience sounds, memories and creativity. Several other shows take place at the Festival, with the presence of musicians and artists from countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Togo, Cape Verde, Angola, among others. (see attached flyers) More information about the film and the research project at: https://afrosampas.webhostusp.
Amerindian Studies Center (CEstA) and Ubu publishing house invite Mauro Almeida (Unicamp) to speak with Mauro Almeida (Unicamp): Pragmatism and Multinaturalism 5/13, Friday, at 2:30 pm former Cinusp room Rua do Anfiteatro, 181. Colmeia, comb 4 University City , São Paulo There will be a sale of Mauro Almeida's books at the entrance to the event. The book is also for sale on the website:
Anthropology in the Northeast: Indigenous Perspectives
05/06/2022 | 18:00 (Brasilia time) | online event
Anari Braz Bonfim (PPGAS/MN-UFRJ)
Chirley Pankará (PPGAS/USP)
Wilke Torres Melo (NEPE/UFPE)
Idjahure Kadiwel (COPAF e PPGAS/USP)
Link to Broadcast:
In confluence with activities related to Indigenous April throughout the country, the Friday of the Month, with the support of the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at the University of São Paulo and COPAF, the Permanent Commission for Affirmative Actions of PPGAS/USP, begins the year 2022 with a special table, composed entirely of anthropologists and indigenous anthropologists from the Northeast. Despite its marginalization, the ethnology of the Northeast has historically contributed with fundamental themes to the broadening of the more general agenda of anthropology, such as, notably, through questions about ethnic identity and territorialization processes.
It is in this region that the concept called ethnogenesis was consolidated, reformulated in a more up-to-date perspective by its protagonists through self-identification, a landmark of the affirmation of indigenous rights, fundamental for the legitimacy of land claims. It is also in the Northeast where the political and territorial strategy of repossessions emerged, currently disseminated among indigenous peoples throughout Brazil, in reparation for situations of colonial dispossession and expropriation. Also noteworthy are conceptual issues around the mixture as a distinctive factor of the groups in the region; the significant interethnic communication and historical and cultural affinities between these peoples; as well as the importance of their leadership in the claims and struggles for land, which today are faced with a growing criminalization of indigenous movements. The growing number of researches that have expanded such themes and theoretical perspectives is highlighted, with emphasis on the emerging production of anthropologists and indigenous anthropologists, whose research and perspectives will be at the center of this Friday of the Month.
Teacher Dr. Silvana Nascimento (USP)
Day: 05/02/2022 at 19:00
Discipline: Interrogating Gender: reading Latin American and African authors.
Coordination: Denise Pimenta (Fiocruz/PPGAS-USP).
PAM - Research in Musical Anthropology invites to the presentation of ethnography and the series of films Sensorhythms, made by post-doctor Mihai Leaha. On Tuesday, 26/04, at 4 pm, at the LISA Auditorium - Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology. Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, hives, honeycomb 10.
PPGAS/USP invites everyone to attend the inaugural class of the semester "A Debt Unpayable" with Denise Ferreira da Silva, Director of the Social Justice Institute/University of British Columbia, which will take place on April 25, 2022, at 19 pm, on the PPGAS / USP YouTube channel.
The opening will be held by Laura Moutinho (PPGAS/USP coordinator). The panel will be mediated by Alessandra Tavares (Periferia Segue Sangrando/PPGAS-USP) and Léa Tosold (GIRA-USP/SCRIPTS - Freie Universität Berlin).
Here are two reading instructions:
SILVA, Denise Ferreira da “Para uma Poética Negra Feminista: A Busca /Questão da Negridade Para o (Fim do) Mundo”. In: FERREIRA da SILVA, Denise - A Dívida Impagável, São Paulo: 2019.ISBN 978-85-7715-615-3
SILVA, Denise Ferreira da. “Reading art as confrontation,” e-flux journal, no.#65 SUPERCOMMUNITY, may-august 2015, http://supercommunity.e-flux.
Dates: 03/30 to 04/01/22 at the Mário de Andrade Library.
1st day - 03/30
17:00 - Opening Ceremony
Opening speech: Suzel Reily – Music local and heritage
17:30 – Registration Table
Renata Amaral - What I remember, I have – 30 years of the Maracá Collection
Luciana Rosa - Choro as a heritage: memories and records of São Paulo's choro
Isabel Santos - The role of holders in the official registration of their knowledge as
intangible heritage: the case of forró
Lorena Avellar de Muniagurria - commentator
2nd day - 03/31
17:30 – Transit Table
Kelwin Marques - Batucando-Singing-Dancing: a Congo Gold in the city of São
Paul (visual essay)
Mariana Teófilo - Bolivian immigration and its practices: putting music to the Altiplano in São
Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji - Inheritances and Inventions – music the African heritage in
Sao Paulo
Brisa Flow - Intervention
Klaus Wernet - commentator
3rd day - 01/04
17:30 – Table Stages
Mihai Andrei Leaha - Stages on the Street, spaces and images of the independent music scene
electronics of São Paulo (audiovisual essay)
Julio Stabelini - Novo Anhangabaú: skateboarding is worth the stage
Meno del Picchia - A musicar of the walls - sound borders of the ravine
Chapinha (Samba da Vela) – São Paulo, meeting place
Luis Henrique Toledo - commentator
8pm – Closing Ceremony
Show: Yannick Delass
Hybris event "On experiences and modes of existence of the law in public service", with Ciméa Bevilaqua (UFPR). December 17, at 4 pm. Contact to access the meeting link.