
Period: 01-08-2021 até 31-08-2021

Film screenings and conversation circles

Celebrating 30 years of creation and 20 years of production by the Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA) of the Anthropology Department of the University of São Paulo (USP), the exhibition Between cities: ethnographic films in dialogue - Brazil and Colombia proposes a dialogue film between multiple cities in the state of São Paulo, Brazil and the region of Antioquia, Colombia. through the colors, sounds and movements registered by the lenses of anthropologists and anthropologists from the two countries, Brazil and Colombia. Separated into three programs, the 29 works narrate multiple possibilities of (re)existing.

08/06/2021, 5:30 pm - The city and its spaces highlights different places as articulating powers, that affect and mobilize people. -

08/11/2021, 3 pm - Space and its arts includes portraits of diverse artistic expressions and cultural in urban contexts -

08/20/2021, 5:30 pm - The space and its inhabitants addresses the people who, to their In this way, they circulate and appropriate spaces in the registered contexts, seeking different forms of belonging  -

Registration: event open to the public

Programming completehttp: //



NAU/USP June Webinar.

Centralities of São Paulo: the urban in dispute

• Prof. Dr. Heitor Frúgoli Jr. (USP);
• Prof. Dr. Giancarlo Machado (State University of Montes Claros - MG).

Debate with:
• Bianca Siqueira M. Domingos (PhD in Urban and Regional Planning at UNIVAP);
• Sâmia Graziela P. de Souza (master's student in Anthropology from PPGAS/USP).

Date: June 30, 2021, Wednesday.
Time: 4 p.m.
Location: LabNAU-USP channel on Youtube.

Period: 21-06-2021 até 22-06-2021

Anthropology Congress UAB / USP

This congress aims to reflect on social and political events that are currently shaking local and global realities: social transformations, forms of protest, political positions (although silenced), conceptual articulations and different perspectives in relation to established systems. All of this in order to understand the present political moment from new anthropological perspectives. This meeting is aimed at young researchers (master) and doctorate in Anthropology, from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and from the University of São Paulo, who have advanced research.


Submission of abstracts: 14.05.2021 (300 words. 5 keywords)
Proposals accepted: 21.05.2021
Submission of papers: 11.06.2021 (8 to 10,000 words)
Communications and texts may be in Spanish, Portuguese or English.
All emails should be sent, simultaneously, to: Silvana Nascimento ( and Virginia Fons (

Communications will be debated by commentators and reviewed for publication: students from USP will be able to publish in Revista Periferia, from the UAB Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology( and UAB students in Revista Ponto.Urbe, from USP's Department of Anthropology(, according to the evaluation rules of each journal.

Scientific Committee / Scientific Committee:
USP:Silvana de Souza Nascimento (Responsible for the UAB-USP Agreement), Heitor Frúgoli Jr. (head of the Anthropology Department / DA), Márcio Ferreira da Silva (DA representative) Marta Amoroso (Coordinator of the Amerindian Studies Center; DA), Heloísa Buarque de Almeida (DA representative), João Felipe Gonçalves (DA representative) and Arthur Fontgaland (Editorial Team of Ponto.Urbe Magazine).
UAB:Virginia Fons (Responsible for the UAB-USP Agreement), Montserrat Ventura i Oller (Director of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology); Miranda Lubbers (Doctoral Program Coordinator); José Luis Molina, Montserrat Clua and Teresa Habimana (Periferia Magazine Editorial Board).

Communication of the event in PDF

Este congreso propone reflexionar sobre los acontecimientos sociales y políticos que están sacudiendo actualmente las realidades locales y globales: las transformaciones sociales, las formas de protesta, los posicionamientos (aunque silenciados), las articulaciones conceptuales y las miradas diferenciadas de lo establecido. Todo ello con el fin de entender el momento político presente con nuevas perspectivas antropológicas. Este encuentro está destinado a jóvenes investigadores(as) de máster y de doctorado en Antropología de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona y de la Universidade de São Paulo, que estén con sus investigaciones avanzadas.

Envío de resúmenes: 14.05.2021 (300 palabras. 5 palabras clave)
Propuestas aceptadas: 21.05.2021
Presentación de trabajos: 11.06.2021 (8 a 10,000 palabras)
Las comunicaciones y los textos pueden estar en español, portugués o inglés. Todos los correos electrónicos deben enviarse, simultáneamente, a: Silvana Nascimento ( y Virginia Fons (

Los ponencias serán discutidas por comentaristas y revisadas para publicación: los estudiantes de la USP podrán hacerlo en la Revista Periferia, del Departamento de Antropología Social y Cultural de la UAB ( y los estudiantes de la UAB en la Revista Ponto.Urbe, del Departamento de Antropología de la USP (, según las normas de evaluación de cada revista.


Do-city: about city uses and appropriations

• Lígia Ferro (University of Porto / Portugal);
• Enrico Spaggiari (NAU / GEAC / USP).

Debate with:
• Bárbara Côrtes Loureiro (master's student in Social Sciences at UNIFESP);
• Michel de Paula Soares (doctoral student in Anthropology at PPGAS / USP).

• Prof. Dr. Giancarlo Machado (State University of Montes Claros-MG);
• Prof. Dr. José Guilherme Magnani (USP).

Date: May 27, 2021, Thursday.
Time: 10:30 am (BR) / 2:30 pm (PT).
Location: LabNAU-USP channel on Youtube.

Geac youtube channel

Simone Toji - Unesp-Marília / IPHAN

Maurício Alcântara - Master in Anthropology from PPGAS / USP

Orlando Elorza Guzmán - UAM-I / USP


Cristina Patriota de Moura - UNB

The concept of cosmopolitanism has been gaining space within the debates that problematize the articulation between global and local processes. Based on research experiences involving the city of São Paulo and Mexico City, the seminar aims to discuss the variety of existing approaches based on the concept of cosmopolitanism, which go beyond the elitist and exclusive sense usually attributed to the term, to point out possibilities for reflection within the field of urban studies.​​​​​​​

GEAC Channel

Period: 29-04-2021 até 27-05-2021
Youtube Channel

Promoted by the Center for Amerindian Studies of the University of São Paulo, CEstA-USP, and supported by the Permanent Commission for Affirmative Actions of the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at the University of São Paulo, COPAF / PPGAS-USP, the event will bring together about thirty indigenous scholars from all regions of Brazil to discuss their research and life trajectories, covering the most varied themes and contexts. With a multiple purpose, an attempt is made to establish a reception space for the new indigenous members of the PPGAS / USP, allowing, since their entry, connections with indigenous researchers from other regions. The cycle is combined with other events that make up the activities of the indigenous April throughout the country, helping to make the presence and protagonism of indigenous peoples in academic spaces more and more constant. Program available on the CEstA-USP website​​​​​​​ (

GEAC channel on Youtube

The seminar "Museums, Heritage and cities: Crítica decolonial na pandemic", with the participation of Julio Talhari (PhD student in Social Anthropology, PPGAS-USP), Thais Waldman (postdoctoral student at Museu Paulista), and Renata Montechiare (professor at Flacso Brasil), will take place on The GEAC YouTube, with the participation of Julio Talhari (PhD student in Social Anthropology, PPGAS-USP), Thais Waldman (postdoctoral student at the Museu Paulista), and Renata Montechiare (professor at Flacso Brasil):

​​​​​​​In recent years, museums in several countries have guided their exhibitions and even broader and longer-lasting actions by so-called colonial debates. With the covid-19 pandemic, several of these processes were interrupted or rearticulated, since exhibitions, seminars and other actions were canceled or postponed. The seminar aims to discuss, under the impact of the pandemic and decolonial approaches, the relationship of museums with cities, as well as the influence of these institutions beyond the exhibition space, that is, in urban space and in the imaginary. Furthermore, as a counterpoint to the large traditional museums, issues related to community museums will be addressed.

Pagu's Facebook page, numas youtube channel and CLAM Youtube channel

The first 2021 edition of Gender & Inequalities + Health - Debates brings to discussion the relationship between fat bodies and covid-19 pandemic. In this sense, we propose to discuss the issue from three axes: stigmas and stereotypes, activism and resistance. In this debate, the participants are:

MALU JIMENEZ - is fat, feminist philosopher, artifer. He makes art by proposing a new look at fat bodies. PhD professor in Contemporary Culture Studies at UFMT, PHD in fatphobia, author of the book "fight like a fat: fat phobia, resistance and activism".

MARCELLE SILVA - Post-doctoral student in Psychology (UFC); Substitute Professor, Department of Social Sciences of ufc; Deputy Coordinator of the Research Center on Sexuality, Gender and Subjectivity (NUSS /UFC); Coordinator of Pesquisa Gorda - Transdisciplinary Studies Group of Gordes Corporalities in Brazil.
MIRANI BARROS - Nutritionist, researcher of fat body, master in collective health, professor of and collective health at UFRJ/Macaé.

CAROLINA PARREIRAS - is an anthropologist, postdoctoral researcher of the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology (PPGAS) of Unicamp, member of NUMAS/USP (Center for studies on social markers of difference). He was visiting scholar at the Institute of Latin American Studies (Columbia University).
The Debates will take place LIVE next Wednesday, March 24, from 18hs, by the Page page on Facebook, the channel numas on Youtube and clam channel on Youtube. Questions from the online audience will be forwarded to the guests. Then, everything is also available on the social networks of Pagu, Numas and CLAM, so that it is possible to share the reflection produced collectively.

* The GENDER & INEQUALITIES project is a project in partnership with the Pagu Gender Studies Center (Cocen/Unicamp) and the Center for Studies on Socal Markers of Difference (PPGAS/USP), under the organization of researchers Regina Facchini (Pagu/Unicamp) and Carolina Parreiras (Numas/USP). It aims to disseminate classic and contemporary works and reflections focused on gender and its articulations with other differences and inequalities. This activity was produced in partnership with the Latin American Center on Sexuality and Human Rights (CLAM/IMS/UERJ), from the articulation with researchers Alessandra Brigo and Viviane Mattar.


​​​​​Between punk and funk: musical circuits, youth and cities

NAU / USP Webinar

• Profa. Dr. Mylene Mizrahi (PUC Rio);
• Prof. Dr. João Bittencourt (UFAL).

• Gabriela Gelain (doctoral student in Communication and Consumer Practices at ESPM);
• Marcelo Yokoi (doctoral student in Anthropology at PPGAS / USP).

Date: Wednesday, March 24, 2021.
Hours: 16 hours.
Location: LabNAU's YouTube channel.


A conversation-debate with director Isa Albuquerque and historian Maria Claudia Badán Ribeiro about the film CODINOME CLEMENTE (Brazil / 2018 / Documentary / 101 ’)

To liven up the debate, we will have professors Esther Hamburger (Cinema-ECA / USP), Osvaldo Luis Angel Coggiola (História / USP) and Wilson do Nascimento Barbosa (História / USP).

Live broadcast of the debate:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


The film will be open from 17:00, 03/18 until 17:00, 03/19


Subtitles in English

French subtitles:

Spanish subtitles: