The lecture intends to approach from an indigenous perspective, the notions of race, ethnicity and whiteness, with emphasis on Guarani epistemologies. Dr. Geni Núñez presents a summary of her research and doctoral thesis "Nhande ayvu is the color of the earth: Guarani indigenous perspectives on ethnogenocide, race, ethnicity and whiteness".
Between the 21st and 31st of July 2023, registration will be open to participate
of the Cycle of Preparatory Workshops for admission to the Graduate Program in
Social Anthropology at USP.
The course is organized and taught by an independent collective of students from
Program and its purpose is to expand the participation of black, indigenous,
quilombolas, who belong to traditional peoples or communities, people with
disabilities, transgender people, refugees in graduate school, especially in
Social Anthropology.
Up to 100 vacancies will be offered to people belonging to these groups and the
activities will be carried out remotely and completely free of charge.
Registration can be done through the link
Any questions, send an email to
The Cóccyx Research Group – (In)disciplinary Studies of the Body and Territory, from the Department of Anthropology, presents the lecture "The transits of the gift: the exchange of gifts and the idea of reciprocity between plastic surgeons and patients in the scope of trans medicine", by Prof. doctor Francisco Cleiton Vieira Silva do Rego (PPGAS-USP/UFRN), which aims to present part of the results of his research developed within the scope of the USP Post-Doctoral Program, in the Post-Graduate Program in Social Anthropology and in the Department of Anthropology of USP.
The event will be virtual and broadcast via the PPGAS/USP Channel on YouTube (Access link: live/TyWNVT4vTB8) and will be mediated by Profe. Dre. Silvana de Souza Nascimento (USP) and with comments for Profa. Dr. Mónica Franch (UFPB).
Abstract: From an ethnography developed in plastic surgery clinics and hospitals in the region of São Paulo with the help of interviews, I am interested in this communication to observe how surgeries, in the context of biomedical assisted sex/gender change, imply themselves as gifts through which people make gifts to each other. Sexual and gender reassignment surgeries, which aim to offer material modifications to the signifiers of someone's sexed body, are currently performed in Brazil under different therapeutic visions that compete with each other. Although not yet hegemonic, some affirmative postures have not concentrated their actions on the search for the figure of the “true transsexual”, but on supporting people with different performances and erotic habitus in their gender transitions in different languages and state and market practices. In this sense, we are witnessing a depathologization and biomedicalization movement that transforms places in sexual and gender diversity in the medical scope. While a commercial transaction in strong growth in private clinics and hospitals, male and female surgeons are multiplying in the country offering operations that cover all known surgeries in the field of trans medicine, and indicate new places for transsexuals in the social world of Brazilian medicine: mammoplasty masculinization, augmentation mammoplasty, vaginoplasty, metoidioplasty, facial feminization, among others – which, in turn, are combined with medical-surgical operations performed on other audiences, such as facial harmonization, liposuction, lymphatic drainage, etc. However, from a commercial perspective, the payment and provision of the surgical service cannot be seen as a monetary relationship devoid of a social relationship that goes beyond it. When observing online advertising practices, male and female surgeons expose gifts they received from patients who operated on their social networks. On a visit to their offices, it is also possible to notice a good part of these gifts displayed as decorative objects on shelves and/or on tables that separate professionals and clients: photographs next to operated patients in wooden and metal frames, miniatures of doctors , trans flags, thank you cards, salt bottles to ward off the evil eye, chocolates. In continuity, patients share photographs and videos in their social networks through which they show gratitude and expose the surgery as a gift. Thus, material objects and emotions crystallized there are gifts that are exchanged between patients and surgeons; if the latter expose them updating their surgical practice in terms of notoriety and effectiveness, the former demonstrate the beauty and good technical result marked on their bodies. By offering an analysis of surgery as an object that enters a circuit of exchange relationship, it is possible to observe how people are trained in the surgical experience of the transition and how this does not imply a destitution of subject positions that are made possible by the sociopolitical conditions of which depart. The money-surgery monetary exchange can be understood as inaugurating a gift cycle that creates debts that are given and returned in a context of difficult access to surgical procedures for sex/gender change in the country and the very social and political configuration of the doctor-doctor relationship. patient. This leads, therefore, to a reflection on the symbolic and political operations of the idea of reciprocity in a commercial scenario, of body habitus, consumption and identity affirmation for the formation of the field of health and trans medicine in Brazil.
The first event promoted by LETEC - Ethnographic Laboratory of Technological and Digital Studies, of the Department of Anthropology and financed by FAPESP, will take place on June 29th, at 4 pm, in Room 24 (Social Sciences Building). This event inaugurates the Technology and Internet Debate Cycle, which will take place throughout 2023. In this first edition, we will have the round table "Weaving the Present: Interconnections between Artificial Intelligence, Anthropology and Society". Participants: Valdinei Freire (EACH/C4AI-CID-USP) Renata Wassermann (C4AI-CID/IME/USP) Mayane Batista (UFAM/FFLCH-C4AI-USP/Researcher) Thiago Marcílio (C4AI-USP/Researcher) Laísa Lima (NEPAM) -UFAM) Nicole Grell (C4AI-PROINDL-USP) Cássia Sampaio Sanctos (IBM-Research) Pâmela Ferreira (ICMC-USP) There will also be disclosure on Youtube.
In June, Mecila welcomes Professor Ángel Ramírez, from the Palta people of Ecuador and Vice-Rector for Research and Extension at the Universidad Intercultural de las Nacionalidades y Pueblos Indígenas Amawtay Wasi (UINPIAW) for a brief visit in São Paulo.
On June 29th (Thursday), Ángel Ramírez will participate in two activities organized by Mecila in partnership with the Center for Amerindian Studies (CestA-USP) and the Kaapora Chair (Unifesp) in room 8 of the Philosophy and Social Sciences (FFLCH-USP).
At 2 pm there will be a conversation on interculturality in indigenous degrees with Ángel Ramírez (UINPIAW), Valéria Macedo (Unifesp) and professors involved in the intercultural indigenous degree to be created at Unifesp.
After a short break, Ángel Ramírez's open lecture on “Intercultural Management of Knowledge, Decoloniality and Collective Intellectual Property” will begin at 5:30 pm, with comments by Tiago Nhandewa (PPGAS/USP). The lecture will be broadcast live on Mecila's YouTube channel.
Second meeting of the seminar "Decolonial Prefigurations in the Urban Space" (partnership between the City Anthropology Study Group (GEAC-USP), the Urban Anthropology Collective (CAU, Portugal) and the Peregum Black Reference Institute (Brazil )), with the participation of José Baessa de Pina, Ana Rita Alves and Stella Paterniani.
Anthropology applied to humanitarian situations: the relationship with the field, methodological challenges and ethical issues.
Jean-François Veran holds a PhD in Anthropology from the École des Hautes Études des Sciences Sociales (France) and is an associate professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). He joined Doctors Without Borders in 2010 as an anthropology consultant, where he develops an anthropology in a "humanitarian situation" that he applies in the field to issues of migration, management of epidemic crises, sexual and reproductive health and urban violence. His latest book is Médecins Sans Frontières and Humanitarian Situations, An Anthropological Exploration/Médecins Sans Frontières and Humanitarian Situations An Anthropological Exploration (Routledge, London, 2020).