Works in the Research Lines Indigenous Ethnology and Anthropology of Expressive Forms, with an emphasis on Bororo society, ethnography and image, visual anthropology, photography and cinema in the contemporary world. Founder and coordinator of LISA - Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology between 1991 and 2014 and since 2017. Coordinates GRAVI - Visual Anthropology Group and is a researcher at CEstA - Center for Amerindian Studies.
Theses and Dissertations:
1980. Master in Social Anthropology from the University of São Paulo. Title of the work: Mulheres, Homens e Heróis, Dinâmica e Permanência através do Cotidiano da Vida Bororo.
1990. PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of São Paulo. Thesis title: Jogo de Espelhos, imagens da representação de si através dos outros.
2006. Free Lecturer in Social Anthropology at the University of São Paulo. Title of the work: Etnografia e Imagem.
2010. Full Professor, Department of Anthropology, FFLCH / USP. Chair in Anthropology and Image.
Articles in magazines and periodicals:
2021. Gaze sensitivity - about the importance of photography in the academic training of the anthropologist. GIS -Gesto Imagem Som, Revista de Antropologia, v.6, n.1.
2019. Landscapes of memory: the first visual images of the Bororo of Central Brazil. Vibrant, v. 16, p. 1-24. Com Edgar Teodoro da Cunha.
2017. Registros de um olhar pelo sul da Etiópia. Revista de Antropologia, v. 60, n. 3.
2016. Iconografia e Oralidade: sobre objetos e pessoa entre os Bororo. GIS - Gesto Imagem Som, Revista de Antropologia, v. 1, p. 89-114.
2016. Iconography and orality: on objects and the person among the Bororo. GIS - Gesto Imagem Som, Revista de Antropologia, v. 1, p. 88-115.
2014. O silêncio eloquente das imagens e sua importância na etnografia. Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia, v. 3 No 2, p. 57-67.
2013. Miriam Lifchitz Moreira Leite (1926-2013): Presença marcante entre antropólogos. Iluminuras (Porto Alegre), v. 14, n. 32, p. 230-234.
2012. Voyages as exercises of the gaze. Vibrant (Florianópolis), v. 9, p. 275-292, 2012.
2012. A construção de imagens na pesquisa de campo em Antropologia. Iluminuras (Porto Alegre), v. 13, p. 11-29
2010. El filme etnográfico: autoría, autenticidad y recepción. Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual, v. 15, p. 103-125.
2010. Image and Social Sciences – the Trajectory of a Difficult Relationship. Visual Anthropology. July-September. PP 278- 298 . Em portugues: 2009. Imagem e Ciências Sociais, trajetória de uma relação difícil. In Barbosa, A., Cunha, E. e Hikiji, R.: Imagem-Conhecimento. Campinas: Papirus.
2009. Entre a harmonia e a tensão – sobre as relações entre antropologia e imagem. Revista Anthropologicas, vol. 20 (1+2). UFPE. p. 9-25. 2009. ISSN 1516-7372.
2008. Bororo Funerals. Images of the Refacement of the World. Tipití – Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America, v. 4, ns. 1 e 2 p. 177-198. Versão em português disponível aqui.
2008 Imagem, magia e imaginação: desafios ao texto antropológico. Rio de Janeiro, Mana 14/2.
2008. Corpo, Imagem e Memória. In: Mammi, Lorenzo e Schwarcz, Lilia. (Orgs.). 8 X Fotografia. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras. (p. 113-131).
2006. Plaits, gourds and jaguar skins in Bororo funeral – toward an understanding of the Bororo notion of person. Vibrant (Online), v. 3, n. 1. (p. 27-36).
2004. Imagem em Foco nas Ciências Sociais. In: Caiuby Novaes, Sylvia; Barbosa, Andréa, Cunha, Edgar; Ferrari, Florencia; Sztutman, Renato e Hikiji, Rose Satiko. (Org.). Escrituras da Imagem. São Paulo: EDUSP & FAPESP, v. 1, p. 11-18.
2000. Quando os cineastas são índios. Sinopse Revista de Cinema, São Paulo, v. 2, p. 88-90, 2000.
1999. Lévi-Strauss: razão e sensibilidade. Revista de Antropologia 42 (1-2): 67-76.
1997. Lévi-Strauss volta à França. In: Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, vol. 12 n. 35 São Paulo.
1985. Nações indígenas. Lua Nova: Revista de Cultura e Política 2 (2), 21-22.
Ethnographic Videos (available at LISA)
Fabrik Funk. NTSC, color, 26min. LISA, 2015.
Direction: Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier, Rose Satiko Hikiji and Sylvia Caiuby Novaes Synopsis: Karoline is a young woman who wants a more exciting life than her daily life in a telemarketing center. In the streets of Cidade Tiradentes, the largest popular housing complex in Latin America, Karoline runs after the dream of being an MC, in this place that is known as a Funk Factory. The film is an ethnofiction that addresses the universe of Funk, a practice that involves music, dance, technology, fashion, the market, and which has become one of the main cultural phenomena of youth in Brazil. Fabrik Funk is the result of a collaboration between anthropologists from the University of São Paulo and the University of Victoria with residents of Cidade Tiradentes, who work in different ways in the artistic scene of this district. Recorded in June and July 2014, in Cidade Tiradentes / SP, and edited between São Paulo / Brazil and Victoria / Canada, in 2014 and 2015, the film was supported by FAPESP and UVIC.
Al-Masoon, Wonder Women. NTSC, color, 25min., 1994.
The video follows the "wonderful women" of Al Masoom, an organization of Pakistani Muslims in Manchester, England. The video reveals that these Muslim women have a strong ethnic, cultural and gender identity strength, developed in political involvement with contemporary problems, for Muslim refugee camps in Bosnia and Kashemira.
Um casamento no Paquistão. NTSC, color, 47min., 1995.
This video made in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, follows the various rites that make up the Muslim wedding, as well as the activities in which the families of the groom and the bride are involved.