Mobilization of CEstA-USP against the genocide of indigenous peoples in the pandemic of the new coronavirus

In dozens of villages in the Indigenous Lands and indigenous neighborhoods in Brazilian cities, an increasing number of deaths and cases of illness by covid-19 have been recorded. In a political scenario marked by the State's omission due to the high lethality rate of the disease among indigenous peoples, the indigenous movement and its organizations have been reacting to the situation in a forceful way and calling their partners to joint action.
Responding to this situation, CEstA-USP opens a space for its national and international network of indigenous and non-indigenous researchers and other partners, in order to share reflections, reports and information materials on regional situations and support initiatives. The objective is to monitor and document the development of the pandemic among indigenous peoples, paying attention to violations of rights, given the risk of imminent genocide. We also want to give visibility to local perspectives and solutions, in addition to building a memory space for victims of the covid-19.

In this way, CEstA-USP pays tribute to families and communities that have been losing dear relatives affected by the disease, and expresses its support to those who are currently struggling without the slightest recourse to recover the health of their patients and to guarantee the recommended conditions. health authorities to prevent and cope with the new coronavirus.

Civil mobilization to guarantee the constitutional right of indigenous peoples to health is necessary as never before. This urgency stems from the deliberate and criminal paralysis of the current government in guaranteeing fundamental rights and promoting effective public policies for one of the most vulnerable segments of Brazilian society.

We therefore invite CEstA's network of employees to share materials of various kinds, such as support and fundraising initiatives and campaigns; reports on the situations faced by indigenous people across the country; reflections on the pandemic; or texts in honor of victims of the covid-19. They are being collected and published on this special page:


 Contributions to this information, reflection and memory network can be shared at cestausp.covid19@gmail.com, with the subject “Indigenous and covid-19”.

Commission “Indigenous peoples in front of covid-19”
Coordination of CEstA-USP
Profª. Drª. Marta Rosa Amoroso

Professors, students and postdoctoral students:Ana Estrela
Ana Vera
André Sanches de Abreu
Erick do Nascimento Vidal
Frank Nabeta
Isabela Zangrossi
João Vitor Fontanelli
Karen Shiratori
Lucas Ramiro
Luísa Valentini
Marina Vanzolini
Rafael Pacheco
Rafaela Achatz
Renato Sztutman
Rodrigo Brusco
Tatiane Klein

CEstA researchers:
Andre Lopes
Chirley Pankará  
Samir D'Angelo

Danilo Paiva Ramos (Professor UFBA)
Giovani Paiva (Master's Master's Program)
Larissa Longano de Barcellos - Partnership with Cool Earth (England)
Maria Carolina Botinhon (former CEstA intern)  
Spensy Pimentel (UFSB Professor)


Povos indígenas frente à covid-19