
Room 24 of the Social Sciences Building - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315

Friday of the Month: Sciences of the Sacred in the Amazon



Room 24 of the Social Sciences Building at USP

Transmission via Youtube (uspfflch channel)


Ana Lídia Nascimento (Post-Doc PPGAS-USP, Effective Professor at the Federal University of the Amazon - UFRA)

Yasmim Sampaio (PPGAS-USP PhD student)


Ava Cruz (Doctoral student at PPGAS/USP)

The existence of the Science of the Sacred present in the practices of indigenous pajelança, cabocla and Afro-Brazilian religions is observed through a wide variety of procedures based on a magical-religious relationship, observed in the diverse practices and experiences of traditional/original peoples who adopt the same healing and care mechanisms with specific procedures and epistemologies that dialogue and emerge from the field of the sacred, as well as the subjects who carry them out. Spiritual entities, which can be enchanted, caboclos, spirits, among others, heal with the power that is consecrated to them from the point of view of established relationships. Therefore, with the aim of reflecting on these themes, this table on May Friday proposes a debate bringing to the table enchanted ontologies and cosmologies of some Afro-indigenous-Brazilian religions.

The table is open to all audiences, so feel free to participate and bring colleagues.

Room 24 of the Social Sciences Building - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315

Meeting of knowledge: trajectory of a cause in Brazilian public universities

Since the beginning of the 2000s, and especially after the implementation of the Federal Quota Law in 2012, Brazil has emerged, worldwide, as the country with the most comprehensive affirmative action program in higher education. In addition to reserving places (quotas) for black candidates, a growing number of public universities have organized specific selection processes for indigenous candidates, relying on the principle of “differentiated” education, guaranteed by CF88 and the curricular guidelines for indigenous school education. The entry of this new public into universities is accompanied by a demand for symmetry of value between academic knowledge and so-called traditional knowledge. A series of pedagogical and administrative devices have since been developed aiming to materialize this symmetry, summarized in the expression that has become a flagship: “meeting of knowledge”. I will present an overview of these initiatives and, based on an ethnography conducted at the State University of Campinas, I will show the positioning of some of the actors involved in them, or implicated by them, especially the indigenous students at Unicamp.

Chantal Medaets is Professor of Anthropology at the Faculty of Education at Unicamp, where she coordinates the Center for Research in Anthropology and Education (Ceape). In her current research, she addresses different aspects of the indigenous presence in Higher Education in Brazil, combining ethnographic fieldwork at Unicamp with the analysis of intercultural policies for Higher Education at the national level.

Photography caption: National Meeting of Indigenous Students, July 2022, Unicamp. Image author: Sheldon Yupuri Barreto

Social Sciences Building, room 1037 (in the corridor of the Anthropology Department) - Avenida Professor Luciano Gualberto, 315, Cidade Universitária

The Study Group "Anthropology of Post-Truth, Denialism and Conspiracy Formations" aims to analyze and discuss, from an anthropological perspective, the phenomena of post-truth, denialism and conspiracy theories.

Meeting theme
At the next meeting, the group will discuss the article "Post-truth and the crisis of the expert system: a cybernetic explanation", by anthropologist Letícia Cesarino, published in Ilha: Revista de Antropologia, in 2021.

• May 16, 2024
• Time: 5pm to 6:45pm

• Social Sciences Building, room 1037 (in the Anthropology Department corridor)
• Address: Avenida Professor Luciano Gualberto, 315, Cidade Universitária

Target audience
The group is open to the entire university community.

Registration can be made by email:

Access to material index.php/ilha/article/view/75630

Mediation: Rafael Antunes Almeida (Post-doctoral student at the Department of Anthropology at USP and Adjunct Professor at UNILAB)

Auditório do LISA - Laboratório de Imagem e Som em Antropologia. Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, Favo 10, USP.

Launch of the film “Jijet: How we study our corners”

Wednesday, 05/15/2024, 5pm
LISA Auditorium - Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology. Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, Favo 10, USP.

Tekaru is a young zo’é participating in collaborative research in the context of the activities of the Iepé Institute’s Zo’é Program. He recorded and transcribed a series of songs and dedicated himself to studying them in dialogue with other young people and with his grandfather Kwa’i, explaining them carefully to anthropologist partners. The film follows this research, which involves recording, transcription and exegesis. It also addresses a fundamental stage of study that takes place “inside your chest”, when you walk alone through the woods. While we study, we must remember: never repeat a song.

After the session, a debate will take place with the presence of Zo’é leaders and the film’s directors.

Event held: CEstA (Center for Amerindian Studies), LISA (Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology) and PAM - Research in Musical Anthropology.

Direction of the film: Iepé Institute, Cuminapanema Ethno-environmental Protection Front and Tekohara Zo’é Organization.

Duration: 30 minutes.

Technical sheet
Direction and Screenplay: Hugo Prudente and Lia Malcher
Coordination: Dominique Tilkin Gallois
Search: Tekaru; Kubi’euhu; Kwa’i, Kubi’e Jawaret, Hugo Prudente and Lia Malcher.
Cinematography and editing: Lia Malcher
Camera assistant: Kubi’e Jawaret
Subtitles: Hugo Prudente, Tekaru and Ke’i apo
Production: Ant de Fogo Filmes
Carried out by: Iepé - Institute for Indigenous Research and Training; FPE-CPM/FUNAI - Cuminapanema Ethno-environmental Protection Front; Tekohara Zo’é Organization.
Support: Rainforest Foundation Norway; Nia Tero.
Duration: 30 minutes

Period: 14-05-2024 até 04-06-2024

Start: 05/14/2024, 7pm
Period: 05/14/2024 to 06/04/2024
Distance learning course. After registration, instructions will be emailed to students.
Coordinators: Francisco Pereira Neto and Heitor Frúgoli Jr.
Guests: Tuize Rovere, Simone Toji, Luca Fuser, Weslei Rodrigues and Julio Talhari
Registration period: 05/06 to 05/09/2024
More information at:
The extension course (promoted by members of the City Anthropology Study Group) addresses the production of urban life from different aspects, especially those involving the experience of city dwellers in the constitution of their spaces of presence in the urban fabric, its political connotations and the link between these processes and urban public policies. It aims to contribute to the training of students interested in urban reality, managers involved with urban policies and the community in general.

Room 8 of the Social Sciences Building - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315

Cóccix and the Urban Anthropology Laboratory are pleased to invite you to a discussion on the topic: "On the right, the feminine: Michelle Bolsonaro and the political rise of evangelical women".

We will have the honor of counting on the presence and mediation of Profª. Dr. Jacqueline Moraes Teixeira, directly from the University of Brasília (UnB)!

When? May 2, 2024 - at 5pm

Where? Room 8 | Social Sciences Building - University City/USP | Avenida Professor Luciano Gualberto, 315.

Don't miss this opportunity! We'll wait for you there!

Organization: Cóccix (Indisciplinary studies of the body and territory) and Laboratory of the Urban Anthropology Center.

Support: Postgraduate Program in Social Anthropology at USP (PPGAS/USP).

Sala 24 do Prédio das Ciências Sociais - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315

Friday of the Month: Contemporary Indigenous Art

04/26, 5pm

Room 24 of the Social Sciences Building at USP

Streaming via Youtube:


Adolfo Tapaiüna (Member of the Miriã Mahsã Collective, Visual Artist, Digital Illustrator, Graduating in Design at UEA)

Paula Guajajara (Graduate in Literature at FFLCH/USP, part of the team at the Museum of Indigenous Cultures)Sarah Feldman (Architect and professor at IAU-USP)

Sandra Benites (master and doctoral student in Social Anthropology at PPGAS/MN/UFRJ, curator and educator)


Paula Berbert (PPGAS/USP PhD student)

Currently, the production of indigenous artists, who mix cosmological references, visualities and indigenous narratives with Western technologies and artistic languages, have promoted fissures in the Brazilian contemporary art scene. Artists such as Jaider Esbell, Denilson Baniwa, Gustavo Caboco and Yacunã Tuxá, just to name a few, occupy institutionalized spaces, are part of the contemporary art market and make us rethink the dynamics of art in Brazil and the world.

With the intention of debating this topic, which we believe is fundamental for the academy and for the community in general, the Friday of the Month of April promotes the table "Contemporary Indigenous Art", which will address issues related to curatorial activities, production of objects, use of digital technologies and other elements mobilized by contemporary indigenous art.

Rua Maria Antônia, 294 - Vila Buarque

On April 25th, the film "São Palco - Cidade Afropolitana", by Jasper Chalcraft and Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji, will be shown at the Maria Antonia University Center. The exhibition is part of the second NauCine meeting, a partnership between the MariAntonia Center and the study group of the Urban Anthropology Center (NauCidades) of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH) at USP to celebrate the 36 years of existence of the laboratory of the USP Urban Anthropology Center (LabNAU). The event will take place in the Carlos Reichenbach room in the Rui Barbosa building.

4:30 pm - Presentation of guests
5 pm - Screening of the film followed by a debate with directors, researchers and guests

Film synopsis:
What do African artists who arrive in Brazil in recent years carry with them on their journey? São Paulo is the stage for a creative diaspora that builds an Afropolitan present in dialogue with a country marked by openings, contradictions and tensions.

We are waiting for you!

Rua do Anfiteatro, 181 - favo 10, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo - SP

Reinaldo Macuxi and Eric Kamikiawa (PPGAS/USP PhD students)

Indigenous students will bring their experiences when leaving the community for university, pointing out the challenges and opportunities that arose along the way, whether at undergraduate or postgraduate level.

Center for Amerindian Studies (CEstA/USP)

Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, Colmeia - favo 8
University City - São Paulo - SP

Room 1037 of the Social Sciences Building - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315

Responsible Professor: Rafael Antunes Almeida
Postdoctoral student at the Department of Anthropology (USP)
Professor at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (UNILAB)

Information on the poster.