Red parakeets, mad cows and animal reservoirs in the work of Claude Lévi-Strauss
Projeto USP-Cofecub "Coleções compartilhadas" (MAE-USP & Collège de France)
In this talk, I will present my reading of the work of Claude Lévi-Strauss through my ethnographic research on bird conservation in China and France. I will first analyse the famous statement « Bororo are Arara » which has circulated in 20th century anthropology and philosophy from the ethnography of Karl Von den Steinen in Xingu to Lucien Lévy-Bruhl’s books on « primitive mentality » to the detailed analyses of the Bororo society by Claude Lévi-Strauss and Christopher Crocker. I will show how the focus on bird feathers colors enabled Lévi-Strauss to solve an enigma that questioned the ontology of Amazonian societies between phenomenology, analytic philosophy and structuralism. I will then analyse Lévi-Strauss’s 1996 article on mad cow disease to show how they imply a concept of sentinel species which I have investigated in my research on avian influenza in China. I will finally offer a quick interpretation of Lévi-Strauss’ 1962 book, La pensée sauvage, through the concept of animal reservoir, which I introduce from the epidemiology of infection and orient toward the esthetic of conservation. I thus want to show the actuality of Lévi-Strauss’ thinking on signs to think about the semiotic of birds as sentinel species.
Link da transmissão:
Lecture with Diego Madi Dias (School of Public Health/USP) Changing Food Economies in Indigenous America
Lecture with Daiara Tukano - Indigenous heritage and museums: the pact of dispossession
The Anthropological Editathon aims to hold a two-day workshop on learning how to create and edit Wikipedia entries. The first meeting (November 6) will focus on presenting Wikipedia and its potential, and we will make the first edit on the platform. In the second meeting (November 7), we will hold an editing marathon with anthropological themes. Special attention will be given to authors who do not yet have entries, taking into account geographic location, race, gender, sexuality, and other social markers of difference.
Our meetings will take place via Google Meet. No previous experience with the Wikipedia platform is necessary! Anyone can participate.
The course is based on Wikimedia's Friendly Space Policies and aims to create a welcoming space for everyone, without distinction. Any form of harassment is not tolerated. For more information:
This Editathon is promoted by LETEC - Ethnographic Laboratory of Technological and Digital Studies, of USP and funded by Fapesp, and has funding from Wiki Apoia 2024.
The workshop will be taught by Isabela Tosta, a master's student at Labjor - Scientific and Cultural Dissemination and researcher at the Wikipedia platform.
The Study Group "Anthropology of Post-Truth, Denialism and Conspiracy Formations" aims to analyze and discuss, from an anthropological perspective, the phenomena of post-truth, denialism and conspiracy theories.
Theme of the meeting
Contemporary ethnographies on witchcraft and its resonances in the literature on post-truth
The group will discuss the following texts:
FIGUEIREDO, Daniel de Jesus. What do denialisms deny? Management of the occult and production of truth based on an ethnography of politics in northern Mozambique. Anuário Antropológico, v. 48, n. 2, p. 82-101, 2023. -
BONHOMME, Julien. The dangers of anonymity: Witchcraft, rumor, and modernity in Africa. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, v. 2, no. 2, p. 205-233, 2012.
Date: October 31, 2024
Time: 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.
Location: Social Sciences Building, room 26A
Address: Avenida Professor Luciano Gualberto, 315, Cidade Universitária
Target audience
The group is open to the entire university community.
Registration can be done by email: almeida.rafaelantunes@gmail.
Rafael Antunes Almeida
Post-doctoral student at the Department of Anthropology (USP)
Professor at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB)
In “Filosofia da Casa”, Emanuele leads us, through an intimate and delightful narrative, to explore living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms and memories, presenting the home as a place of connection with the world and with ourselves. The book, which has a foreword written by anthropologist Júlia de Sá Earp and illustrations by Luiz Zerbini, unfolds the experience of Metamorphoses (Dantes, 2021) proposing, this time, to enter the cocoons to, finally, resignify them.
Professors in charge: Renato Sztutman (FLA) and Jean Tible (FLP)
Mediation: Professors Renato Sztutman and Guilherme Fagundes.
The open class precedes the launch of the book Filosofia da Casa, which will take place at Casa do Povo, on 10/26. See I adopt.
Meeting with Edilene Coffaci de Lima (UFPR) at CEstA/USP, Thursday, 10/24/2024, at 5:00 p.m.
There is extensive documentation about the Xetá, an indigenous group that speaks the Tupi-Guarani language and was officially contacted just over 70 years ago in northwestern Paraná: from the Indian Protection Service (SPI), the Anthropology Department of UFPR, the Museu Paranaense, the Círculo de Estudos Bandeirantes, among other archives. I will present how research has been conducted based on the records of these institutions and others yet to be explored, such as the Minor Order of Capuchin Friars, as well as the Chambers and City Halls of municipalities that were built on their lands.
CEstA - Center for Amerindian Studies
Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, Colmeia - Favo 8
Cidade Universitária
Start: Friday, October 18, 2024, 5:00 p.m.
Location: Room 14 of the Social Sciences Building - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315
With joy, Sexta do Mês invites everyone to the thematic table that will take place in October.
In the month in which the uninterrupted genocide against the Gaza Strip completes one year, the October edition of Sexta do Mês opens space for reflection on the experiences of exile, forced displacement and agency of the Palestinian people. In light of the new work by anthropologist Leonardo Schiocchet, entitled “Processes of Belonging and Social Organization among Arab Forced Migrants: Theoretical and Methodological Contributions”, published in 2024 by the Brazilian Anthropology Association (ABA) and Editora Fi, we propose the exercise of articulating ethnographic knowledge with the contemporary political scenario of the Middle East. The colonial occupation of Palestine, which began more than seven decades ago, is entering a new phase of violence and dispossession of the Arab-Palestinian population and, far from ending, is expanding to countries such as Lebanon, Iran and Yemen.
Schiocchet's work, by investigating how exile shapes both the identity and survival strategies of Palestinians, offers theoretical and analytical perspectives to understand the forms of agency and subjectivity that emerge in this complex scenario. Therefore, we invite everyone to the Friday of the Month “Palestine in the context of colonialism”, seeking to reflect on the position of anthropology in the midst of the “first televised genocide in history” and break with silence and omission.
Leonardo Schiocchet (Researcher at the Institute for Social Anthropology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and Senior Associate Researcher and Lecturer at the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Vienna)
Bárbara Caramuru (Professor at the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology of the Federal University of Paraná)
Helena Manfrinato (PhD and Master's degree from the Postgraduate Program in Social Anthropology of the University of São Paulo - PPGAS/USP)
Mediation: Isabella Aquino (Master's student at the PPGAS/USP)
The panel is open to all audiences, so feel free to participate and bring colleagues.
There will be a live broadcast on the uspfflch channel on YouTube:
The Ethnographic Laboratory of Technological and Digital Studies (LETEC) and the Center for Studies on Social Markers of Difference (Numas) invite you to the launch and debate event for the book "We Need to Talk About Consent".
The debate will be held between the three authors: Arielle Sagrillo, Beatriz Accioly Lins and Silvia Chakian.
The book proposes a more detailed and qualified discussion on the concept of consent, central to various contemporary situations, and from different disciplinary perspectives.
The event will take place on October 18th, at 10 am, in Room 8.
Center for Anthropology, Performance and Drama (NAPEDRA/USP)
Center for Afro-Brazilian Arts at USP
Hybrid Event
Link to all sessions:
October 14 (Monday)
– Online schedule via Zoom
● Afternoon (2:00 p.m.):
o Welcome from the organizing committee
John C. Dawsey, Pâmilla Vilas Good morning, Fernanda Marcon.
○ Canoe Path: between mirrors and water roots (conversation circle)
Carlos Corrêa Praude (UNB) Rita de Almeida Castro (UNB; NAPEDRA/USP) (remote).
○ Falling Bodies: A film, a massacre, a cyborg and the spiraling time of performance
Scott Head (GESTO/UFSC) (remote)
○ Around the World (Short Film Screening, 14’12)
Alice Villela (NAPEDRA/USP) (remote)
○ Andanças de Fé (Documentary Screening, 46’)
Carlos Alberto Corrêa Moro (UNICAMP; NAPEDRA/USP) (remote)
October 15 (Tuesday)
– Hybrid Zoom and in-person programming at the Mini Auditorium of LISA/USP
● Morning (9:00 am):
○ Medea after the Sun: trauma as performance, the character as a frown
Luciana Lyra (UERJ; NAPEDRA/USP) (remote)
○ Tragedy in performance: reflections on the play Antigone in the Amazon
Fernanda Marcon (NAPEDRA/USP) (in-person)
○ Risk and restoration: articulating gender, race and class in a classical ballet company in São Paulo
Carolina Paes de Barros (NAPEDRA/USP) (in-person)
● Afternoon (2:00 p.m.):
○ Minicourse: Youth and political activism: performances in struggle
Fernanda Marcon (NAPEDRA/USP) (in-person)
October 16 (Wednesday)
– In-person program Location: Mini-auditorium of LISA/USP
● Morning (9:00 a.m.):
○ Hey! Excuse me: the presence, experience and knowledge of women in capoeira (conversation circle)
Suelen Cristina Marcelino de Campos (FFLCH/USP) (in person)
○ Capoeira and performance: contributions and contradictions
João Luis Uchoa de Figueiredo Passos (NAPEDRA/USP) (in person)
○ Öwawé dahoimanadzé - Rio das Mortes vivo (film presentation)
Ana Lúcia Ferraz (UFF; NAPEDRA/USP) (in person)
○ The creative process: staging as a search for knowledge based on the encounter with Dona Mariana, the Turkish princess of the Amazon (from 2009 to 2024)
Zeca Ligiero (NEPAA/UNIRIO) - (in person)
● Afternoon (2:00 p.m.):
○ Minicourse: Youth and political activism: performances in struggle
Fernanda Marcon (NAPEDRA/USP) (in-person)
October 17 (Thursday)
– In-person program
Location: room 109, USP Social Sciences building ·
Afternoon (4:30 p.m.):
o Six readings of Brecht's play Mother Courage.
Presentations by the undergraduate class in Social Sciences: FLA 0364 Benjamin, Brecht and Anthropology
October 18 (Friday)
- Hybrid Zoom and in-person program at the LISA/USP Mini-Auditorium
● Morning (09:00):
○ Round thinking, performance and decolonial education: experiences of the Minas Novas Quilombo Campus in the Jequitinhonha Valley
Rubens Silva (NEPPAMCS/UFMG; NAPEDRA/USP) (remote)
○ Poetics of the backwater: the eternal return of Olímpio's ark Pâmilla Vilas Boas (NAPEDRA/USP) (in-person)
○ Folk songbooks and popular poetry
Maria Laura Viveiros de Castro Cavalcanti (RISU/UFRJ) (remote)
● Afternoon (2:00 p.m.):
○ Anthropology and seismology of performance
John C. Dawsey (NAPEDRA/USP) (in-person)
○ Nocturnal History of Ceilândia
João Campos (NAPEDRA/USP) (in-person)
○ Anthropology of performance: towards a pedagogical experience
Luiz Davi Vieira Gonçalves (Tabihuni/UEA) (remote) ○ Victor Turner from culturetype to Genotype
Robson Corrêa de Camargo (PPGPC/UFG; NAPEDRA/USP) (remote)
● Evening (7:00 p.m.):
○ Closing party at the Center for Afro-Brazilian Arts of USP Narratives of the Recôncavo Mestre Pinguim, Luiz Antônio Nascimento Cardoso.
Location: Center for Afro-Brazilian Arts of USP Av. Prof. Lúcio Martins Rodrigues, 5th block, block 28