
Room 8 of the Social Sciences Building - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315

Laura Moutinho (Numas and PPGAS/USP)

Ari Vera Morales (Almas Cautivas - Mexico)
Anna Operman (Studio AH - Brazil)
Marcio Zamboni (Numas-USP/ EASA)
Mediation: Hailey Kaas (Transfeminist Research Center / USP)

Organization: NUMAS/USP and PPGAS/USP
Simultaneous translation: Gibran Teixeira Braga (Numas and PAM/USP)
Support: Almas Cautivas AC (Mexico)
Anthropology of Confinement EASA Network
Transfeminist Research Center
Collective Xica Manicongo
Corps Trans USP
Studio AH
In recent years, LGBT+ people deprived of liberty have consolidated themselves as subjects of rights in several Latin American contexts – a phenomenon analyzed by a growing number of researchers. Despite some important legal and institutional advances, the challenges faced by this population are immense, having been aggravated in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic.
At this event, we had the presence of the renowned Mexican activist Ari Vera Morales, president of the Civil Association Almas Cautivas, to hold a debate on this topic of great political and social relevance. Also participating are researchers on the subject and representatives of projects that work with the reintegration of trans people who have spent time in prison. The proposal is to think not only about the prison experience, but also ways to combat the criminalization of these lives and prevent recidivism.
Corpas Trans USP will assist in the transport logistics between the venue and the Butantã subway, ensuring the safety of the dissident bodies participating in the event. Contact @ma.andoyiki for more details

Room 14 of the Social Sciences Building - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315


Discussor: Anai Vera (PPGAS/FFLCH/USP PhD student)

02/05/2023, 2 pm
Room 14 of the Social Sciences Building
Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315

After an immersion in the study of some languages of the Tupi-Guarani family (particularly Mbyá, Guarani and Kaiowá), I propose a rhythmic and annotated retranslation of the Ayvu Rapyta, in addition to a study on its cosmopoetics. When speaking of cosmopoetics, I understand that it is a cosmology (or cosmogony) in which the poetic aspect engenders something that seems to go far beyond “mythology”. Observing the language in which Ayvu Rapyrta is based – a language that is extremely difficult to translate – it is noted that it is organized as a genuine way of thinking about the various worlds we inhabit. In this lecture, I intend to discuss some fundamental concepts of Ayvu Rapyta, such as language/soul (ayvu/ñe'ẽ), love (mborayu), rhythm (mba'e a'ã), and good living (teko porã).

Adalberto Müller is Associate Professor of Theory of Literature at the Fluminense Federal University, writer and translator. As a translator, he has published, among others, the critical and annotated edition of the Complete Poetry by Emily Dickinson (Editora da UnB / Editora Unicamp) and Partido das Graças, by Francis Ponge (Iluminuras 2022). As a fiction writer, he published the books of short stories O Trace of the Caligrapher (Medusa, 2019), and Small Philosophy of Flight (Editora 7Letras, 2022). As a Scientist of Our State at FAPERJ, he is currently developing the research project “Ombojera: Tupi-Guarani developments in Brazilian literature”, dedicating himself to the Guarani Mbyá and Kaiowá cosmologies.

Room 24 of the Social Sciences Building - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315
Room 08 of the Social Sciences Building - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315

VII Nimuendaju Conference, with João Paulo Lima Barreto (UFAM) - Duhkewehtise and Sutiwehtise: The ways of transforming the body.

Sala 24, prédio de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais - USP

FAGUNDES, Guilherme moura. 2019. “Pirotécnicas, piropolíticas e suas dinâmicas vitais” (pp. 54-71) e “Antes era manejo do gado, agora é manejo do fogo” (pp. 379-405). In: Fogos gerais: transformações tecnopolíticas na conservação do Cerrado (Jalapão-TO). Doctoral thesis. Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at the University of Brasilia

_____. 2017. Another Fire. Ethnographic film. 21 min.


Additional references

EMPERAIRE, Laure . 2005. “Agricultural biodiversity in the Brazilian Amazon: resource and heritage”. In: Intangible Heritage and Biodiversity. Special issue of the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute Magazine, n 32: 31-43.

FERDINAND, Malcom . 2022. A decolonial ecology: thinking from the Caribbean world. São Paulo: Editora UBU.

FERRET, Carole . 2014. “Towards an anthropology of action: From pastoral techniques to modes of action.” Journal of Material Culture, Vol. 19(3), p. 279–302 

HAUDRICOURT, André - Georges. 2013 [1962]. “Domestication of animals, cultivation of plants and treatment of the other” Series Translation n. 7, PPGAS/DAN.

HUI, Yuk . 2017. Cosmotechnics as cosmopolitics. In: Technodiversity. São Paulo: UBU.

PYNE, Stephen J. 2021. The Pyrocene: How We Created an Age of Fire, and What Happens Next. California: University of California Press

Nicolau Sevcenko Auditorium - Av. Lineu Prestes, 338

About memories and forgetting: A reading of racialization processes in Brazil.

LISA Auditorium - Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology
Period: 14-03-2023 até 16-03-2023

Table 1 - Cultural dynamics in the city: knowledge and practice networks
With Heitor Frúgoli Jr. and Egbome Jennifer from Xangô.
Table 2 - Flows in the city: multiethnic mosaic of Bixiga
With Sheila Schneck and José Adão de Oliveira.
Mediation: Michel Françoso
More details at for-preservation-of-ways-of-life

LISA Auditorium - Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology

 Center for Amerindian Studies (CestA) FFLCH-USP
 Graduate Program in Social Anthropology (PPGAS-USP)
 Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA-USP)


● Publisher UBU
● Ambassade of France to Brazil
● Institut Français
● Polis Institute

The forum brings together anthropology and philosophy researchers to extract
developments of the book “A decolonial ecology: thinking from the Caribbean world”, by
Malcolm Ferdinand. Two round tables will be dedicated to the main concepts and
issues of the book, composing a repertoire that articulates themes such as the racial issue,
Anthropocene, quilombola ecologies, Caribbean world, environmentalism and cosmopolitics. The
event ends with a conversation between Malcom Ferdinand and the thinker and farmer
quilombola Antônio Bispo.

[Monday, 03/13/2023]

Session 1 (10am – 12pm). Moderation: Stelio Marras (IEB/USP)
Location: LISA Auditorium
(The forum will not be simulcast, but the recording will be available on the
(15min) Guilherme Fagundes (USP) – The double racial divide
(15min) Rodrigo Bulamah (UNIFESP) – From Gaia to Ayiti
(15min) Karen Shiratori (CESTA/USP) – From the Anthropocene to the Negrocene
(15min) Igor Scaramuzzi (Iepé/CPI-SP) – Quilombola Ecologies
Debate – 11am-12pm.

Session 2 (2pm – 4pm).  Moderation: Renzo Taddei (UNIFESP)
Location: LISA Auditorium
(15min) Eraldo Souza dos Santos (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) – Ecology and
civil disobedience
(15min) Henyo Barreto (UnB/ Wageningen University) – Noah's ark on the pier
(15min) Alyne Costa (PUC-Rio) – Taking care of fractures between Earths and worlds
(15min) Renato Sztutman (USP) – Decolonial Ecology as Cosmopolitics
Debate – 3pm-4pm.
Break. 4pm-5pm

Session 3 (17:00 – 18:30). Moderation: Ana Sanches (Instituto Polis/EACH-USP)
Location: Political Science Room 08 - FFLCH
Confluences between Malcom Ferdinand (CNRS) and Antônio Bispo (Quilombo do Saco-
Tannery, PI)
Conference Link:

Period: 14-02-2023 até 16-02-2023
Registration Period: 26-01-2023 até 12-02-2023
Rua Dr. Plínio Barreto, 285 - 4º andar Bela Vista - São Paulo.

Table 1 - Thinking about the city: public authorities and communities
With Amelinha Teles and Raquel Schenkman.
Table 2 - Preserving the city: territories and heritage
With Raquel Rolnik and Luciana Araújo.
Mediation: Michel Françoso.
More details at https://centrodepesquisaeformacao.sescsp.…