
Sala 101 - Prédio de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais

Presence of Absence: An analysis of whiteness in five Brazilian images - Lilia Schwarcz

Expressão Popular – Alameda Nothmann, 806 - Campos Elíseos/SP
Theme: “Thinking about ways to make a home in the Palestinian diaspora”

More than a year after the genocide against the Gaza Strip and a ceasefire that in reality redirects the offensive from Gaza to the West Bank, the February edition of Sexta do Mês opens space for reflection on the experiences of exile, forced displacement and agency of the Palestinian people in the context of the Brazilian diaspora. In light of the latest work by anthropologist Bárbara Caramuru, entitled Palestine in Movement: the diaspora from an intersectional perspective, published in 2024, we propose the exercise of articulating ethnographic knowledge to the contemporary political scenario of the Middle East from the perspective of the diaspora through Ualid Rabah, current president of the Palestinian Arab Federation of Brazil.

The colonial occupation of Palestine, which began more than seven decades ago, is entering a new phase of violence and dispossession of the Palestinian population and, far from ending, is expanding to countries such as Lebanon, Iran and Yemen. Caramuru's work, by investigating the processes of belonging and political organization in the Palestinian diaspora in Brazil and Chile, offers theoretical and analytical perspectives to understand the ways of making home and (re)existing based on an intersectional analysis with a focus on gender. In this way, we invite scholars, activists and the general public to the Friday of the Month Thinking about ways to make a home in Palestine, seeking to reflect on the position of anthropology in the midst of the “first televised genocide in history” and to break with the silence and omission.

•⁠  ⁠Bárbara Caramuru (Professor at UFPR)
•⁠  ⁠Ualid Rabah (Current President of the Palestinian Arab Federation of Brazil)

Mediator: Isabella Aquino (Master's student at PPGAS/USP)
The panel is open to all audiences, so feel free to participate and bring colleagues
Rua do Anfiteatro, Colmeia, favo 8 Cidade Universitária - São Paulo - SP



Sound pharmacology in the upper Rio Negro: (re)generation and degeneration of bodies

Based on the region of the upper Rio Negro and my ethnographic experience with the Yuhupdeh people, I intend to reflect on healing and protective blessings, Jurupari wind instruments and their associations with the processes of (re)generation and degeneration of bodies. I propose to approach the blessings and Jurupari instruments as an androgynous technology of artifactual insemination that not only (re)generates bodies, but also degenerates them, in the manner of a sound pharmacology. To this end, I will use as an ethnographic basis a set of stories from the past told by various peoples who inhabit the upper Rio Negro region (Tukano, Yuhupdeh, Hupd’äh, Desano, etc.) that tell about the origins of the blessings and Jurupari instruments; a set of anthropological works, some of them produced by indigenous people from the region, that deal with the subject; and finally, a set of ethnographic material of sound recordings of Jurupari instruments and the verbal forms of the blessings carried out throughout my ethnographic research.

Auditório do LISA - Laboratório de Imagem e Som em Antropologia. Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, Favo 10, USP.

For more information, see

Sala 24 do Prédio das Ciências Sociais - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315

The Sixth of the Month invites everyone to the November themed table!

Theme: The enchantment of the mina drum in São Paulo

The mina drum is an Afro-Brazilian religion prevalent in the states of Pará and Maranhão, arriving in São Paulo around the 1970s by the Pará native Francelino de Xapanã, who brought with him several cultural elements that were very present in the realities of Pará and Maranhão, which were adapted to the capital of São Paulo through this migratory movement. With voduns and orixás as the entities worshipped, the mina drum also brings a category known as “enchanted”, those who do not go through the process of death, become “enchanted” and inhabit the “enchantments”. To discuss this universe of Minas Gerais, we will bring three priests, sons of Pai Francelino, to discuss these elements.

• Toy Voduno Márcio de Boço Jara (Priest of the “House of Mines of Thoya Jarina”)
• Onontochê Sandra de Xadantã (Priestess of the Kwê Mina Odan Axé Boço Dá-Hô)
• Dàda Voduno Leonardo de Doçu (Priest of the Bou Hou Mina Jeje Nagô)

Yasmin Estrela (PhD student at PPGAS/USP)

Online broadcast on the uspfflch channel on YouTube:

The panel is open to all audiences, so feel free to participate and bring colleagues.

Rua do Anfiteatro, 181 - favo 8, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo - SP

Lecture with Guilherme Bianchi (History Department/USP) Conflict, coexistence and transformation in the recent history of the Asháninka of the Peruvian Amazon

Conflict, coexistence and transformation in the recent history of the Asháninka of the Peruvian Amazon

The recent history of the Asháninka who today inhabit the tributary valleys of the upper Ucayali, in the Peruvian Amazon, is full of events through which we can witness at least two things. In addition to the terrible succession and continuity of state and non-state violence in the last century (from rubber tappers to guerrillas, from hydroelectric dams to organized crime, etc.), it is notable that the groups in the region managed to develop formulas of political organization that can be considered crucial to the process of rebuilding Asháninka community life in the last two decades. I will show how myths, stories, bodily transformations and other forms of producing time and memory intervene in this contemporary political activity, forms of engagement with the world that are sometimes placed within the processes of political negotiation with the Peruvian State. What can these relations tell us about the relations between indigenous politics and their histories, that is, about the convergences and divergences between worlds, and how are they evoked in the cosmopolitical processes of translation and negotiation involving different layers of the Asháninka past?

Sala 14 do Prédio das Ciências Sociais - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315

11/27 - FFLCH - Philosophy and Social Sciences Building, Room 14
5:00 pm - “Gender-based violence at the university”, debate with Regina Facchini (Unicamp) and Heloisa Buarque de Almeida (CDDH - FFLCH USP), coordinated by Gabriela Calazans (IP USP)
6:30 pm-7:30 pm: Interactive Cultural Activity: Game-piece: Vulvar - In her place

LISA Auditorium. Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, Favo 10, USP.

Dear all!

On Thursday of next week, November 21st, at 2:00 p.m., in the LISA auditorium (Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo/SP, 05508-060. Phones: +55 (11) 3091-3045 / 3091-1478 / 3091-1479), I will offer undergraduate classes in the discipline "Anthropology and Law" the opportunity to participate in a film debate.

This will be an activity in partnership with the Instituto Cultura em Movimento (ICEM) and the production company MPC, promoters of the project "Cinema em Movimento"/ Circuito Universitário. The invitation is open to all interested parties!!! A trailer for the documentary that will be shown and then discussed is available at

In this 75-minute documentary, Adelaide, Tatiane, Catia, Naiane and Roselaine narrate something they have in common: they are mothers and live far from their children because they are imprisoned. Their life stories are intertwined with gender issues that mark the reality of more than 40 thousand Brazilian women who find themselves in precarious and inadequate prisons.

See you on Thursday!

Ana Lúcia Pastore Schritzmeyer

Sala 8 do Prédio das Ciências Sociais - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315

Lecture title: The notion of quasi-truth in the Anthropology of Knowledge

Speaker: Prof. Mauro Almeida (UNICAMP) 

Discussor: Prof. Stelio Marras (USP)

Mediator: Rafael Antunes Almeida (UNILAB)

No prior registration is required.

Sala 14 do Prédio das Ciências Sociais - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315

On 11/14, at 2 pm, in room 14 and online, the Thematic Seminar “Contemporary trends of digital platforms in the sex markets in Brazil” will take place, with Lorena Caminhas.

Lorena Caminhas has a PhD in Social Sciences (Unicamp) and is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Anthropology at USP, with support from Fapesp. Her research addresses the formation of digital sex markets in Brazil, the impacts of digital platforms on the quality of sex work, and their governance and regulation processes in this area.

This event is promoted by the Ethnographic Laboratory of Technological and Digital Studies (LETEC) and the Center for Studies on Social Markers of Difference (Numas).

To participate online, simply access the FFLCH USP channel on YouTube: