
GEAC youtube channel

Aspects of the process of creating the teaching material "Anthropology of the city: ways of doing", produced by GEAC members from an update course of the same name, taught in 2018, will be discussed. Bianca Chizzolini, Gabriela Leal and Maurício Alcântara will comment on language and format challenges for the preparation of materials aimed at supporting teaching activities, and discuss the challenges of thinking about field activity and scientific dissemination in times of pandemic.
Links to the broadcast (on the GEAC YouTube channel) and to the teaching material are available here.

Registration Period: 22-02-2021
Canal LabNAU Youtube

Webinars of the Laboratory of the Center for Urban Anthropology (LabNAU/USP).

Debate - City tactics: ethnographic perspectives on urban daily life.

• Profa. Dr. Viviane Vedana (UFSC);
• Prof. Dr. Igor Monteiro Silva (Unilab).

• Mariana Machini (PhD student in Social Anthropology - PPGAS/USP);
• Sâmia Pereira (Master's student in Social Anthropology - PPGAS/USP).

?Date: February 24, 2020, Wednesday.
?Time: 4 p.m.
?Location: LabNAU's Youtube channel.

Registration Period: 15-12-2020

USP's Department of Anthropology invites you to the seminar presented by Prof. Dr. Renato Sztutman.

The seminar will be held by stream.

The access link will be sent to guests at 9:45 am.

Period: 30-11-2020 até 04-12-2020
Registration Period: 28-10-2020 até 30-11-2020

The Center for Amerindian Studies (CEstA-USP) and the Research and Training Center (CPF) of SESC-SP invite everyone to the online event Crossing knowledge practices: (r) exist in a world under covid-19, the be held between November 30 and December 4, 2020, in the morning (10 am to 12 pm).



Meeting # 1 Pathogens and biodiversity: viruses and other non-human beings Date: 11/30/2020, 10 am-12pm Speakers: João Paulo Tukano (UFAM) & Cecília Siliansky de Andreazzi (Fiocruz)

Meeting # 2 Covid-19 and indigenous health Date: 01/12/2020, 10h-12h Speakers: Sofia Mendonça (Xingu / Unifesp Program) & Sandra Benites (MN / UFRJ)

Meeting # 3 Dreams and Epidemics Date: 02/12/2020, 10h-12h Speakers: Catarina Tupi-Guarani & Claudinei Eduardo Biazoli Junior (UFABC)

Meeting # 4 Environmental destruction and its relationship to the pandemic Date: 03/12/2020, 10h-12h Speakers: Paulo Cesar Basta (Fiocruz) & Eliel Benites (Faind / UFGD / Ascuri)

Meeting # 5 Mourning Date: 04/12/2020, 10h-12h Speakers: Watatakalu Yawalapiti & Christian Dunker (USP)

For registration and more information, visit:

50 free places for indigenous people will be made available for these meetings by sending an email to:

Please inform in the email the full name, CPF and telephone number for contact. Such vacancies will be filled according to the order of receipt of the emails.

Period: 24-11-2020 até 27-11-2020
Online by ZOOM

Napedra has been a pioneer in performance studies in Brazilian anthropology. It organized events that mark the field of performance anthropology, such as the International Anthropology and Performance Meeting - EIAP (2011), the 1st National Anthropology and Performance Meeting - ENAP (2010), and the Meetings with Richard Schechner (2013). He proposed the first research forums and working groups in performance studies of the Brazilian Association of Anthropology (ABANNE 2003; RBA 2004, 2006, 2012) and the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences (ANPOCS 2005, 2006, 2007 ). He organized research forums and work groups at the First Latin American Anthropology Congress (ALA 2005) and Mercosur Anthropology Meetings (RAM 2005, 2009). In 2009, he held the Colloquium of Napedra: Sounds, Noises and Poetics of Performance. From 2008 to 2013, she developed the thematic project Anthropology of Performance: Drama, Aesthetics and Ritual (06 / 53006-2), a period in which Regina Pólo Müller's participation stands out, as a principal researcher. The project resulted in 22 books, 81 articles, 82 book chapters, and 102 international presentations.

To check the schedule summary click here.

The link to the ZOOM platform for participation in all events can be found here.

Youtube Channel

with Jacqueline Moraes Teixeira (PhD in Anthropology, USP), Fabiane Medina (PhD student in Political Science, Unicamp) and Talita Lazarin Dal Bo (PhD in Anthropology, USP). COPAF Mediation (PPGAS/USP).

Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 18h  

Racism crosses the most different areas of life. In April, the pandemic of the new coronavirus showed one of the most harmful faces of Brazilian ethnic-racial inequality: blacks and browns are, respectively, 62% and 23% more likely to die of covid-19 than whites in the city of São Paulo ( Indigenous peoples also suffer from this inequality: their mortality rate per one million inhabitants reaches 855, against 510 on average in Brazil (

Alongside these alarming data on public health, there are also appalling data on ethnic-racial inequalities in education, mainly academic, the theme of the first table of this sixth-month cycle, held in partnership with COPAF - Permanent Commission for Affirmative Action of PPGAS/USP. Largely due to affirmative action policies for admission to public universities in 2018, the blacks became the majority of the students who make up the public university -- although still underrepresented --, and the number of indigenous entrants became nine times higher (

Also due to affirmative action policies, the entry of blacks and indigenous peoples into graduate programs has also increased in recent years. However, attempts to backtrack -- such as the recent repeal, reversed shortly thereafter, of the MEC ordinance that stipulates affirmative actions for blacks, indigenous people and people with disabilities in graduate studies ( The current context of advances and challenges makes urgent and necessary the discussion and defense of affirmative action policies, in addition to the creation of new mechanisms of student permanence. This Friday of the Month aims to take a look at ethnic-racial inequalities in the academy, especially those suffered by blacks and indigenous peoples, and will discuss some specific experiences of affirmative action policies and academic production generated from other epistemologies. 

Link available here.

Period: 15-10-2020 até 18-12-2020

The Cycle of Debates and Lectures “University in transformation: challenges and potential - Education, Research and Human Rights in the 21st century in an interdisciplinary perspective” begins on 10/15 (Thursday) at 4:30 pm. There will be a debate with coordinators from USP Research Support Centers who promote the initiative, students, researchers and members of social movements. Then, at 6 pm, Ailton Krenak gives the conference “Constellation of Knowledge”.

The link for the debate on 10/15, starting at 4:30 pm, is:

The Cycle discusses themes such as democratization of access and permanence at the university, anti-racist struggle, indigenous rights, technology and online education, digital exclusion, academy and social movements, decolonization of thought, feminisms, interdisciplinarity and knowledge of blacks, indigenous, quilombolas, riverside dwellers, immigrants, refugees, Africans, Arabs, people with disabilities, trans people, non-binary and LGBTQIA +, gender perspective, urban, rural and peripheral cultures, so that they can be heard and so that their narratives, knowledge, themes, experiences and experiences of oppression and diverse violence (epistemic, physical, psychological), as well as resistance, autonomy and empowerment, are incorporated by the university and valued in academic and extra-academic spaces.

For about 2 months (from 10/15 to 12/18), more than 100 speakers will interact, in videoconferences broadcast on Youtube, with a wide group of people on social networks (Youtube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter) and on the website of the Cycle (

Organized by 4 USP Research Support Centers: NAP Brazil Africa, NAP Diversitas - Center for the Study of Diversities, Intolerances and Conflicts, Center for Amerindian Studies (CEstA) and Center for Research Support for Production and the Built Environment Language (NAPPLAC) , with support from USP's Dean of Research, the Cycle was designed, from the design of the format to the diversity of the participating guests, with the objective of expanding exchanges, dialogues and the horizontal sharing of knowledge among the members of the NAPs and between them , different universities, national and foreign, and different sectors of civil society.

Among the questions that the cycle "University in transformation: challenges and potential - Education, Research and Human Rights in the 21st century in an interdisciplinary perspective" will discuss are: How to value the themes listed above? How to expand the democratization of access and permanence at the university and strengthen its transformation? How to promote the decolonization of thought and dialogue with other knowledge that is not necessarily academic? How to guarantee the decolonization of academic practices (in face-to-face formats and also in the context of virtualization / hybridization of teaching)? How to ensure interdisciplinarity and a diversified theoretical foundation / bibliography?

Confirms the schedule of upcoming events in

Come join us in this debate!
Instagram: @Universidadeemtransformacao
Twitter: @UniversidadeT

Live broadcast on the Friday of the Month Channel on Youtube

with Maria Antonia Fulgêncio (UNAS) and Watatakalu Yawalapiti (ATIX)
mediation by Anai Vera (PPGAS / USP)

On the Friday of the month channel on youtube -

Seven months of covid-19 and Brazil reaches the second place with the highest number of infected and dead in the world ranking. At a time when the contagion curve is still rising and the pandemic is advancing over regions of the country with low hospital capacity, several states and municipalities are beginning to adopt measures aimed at easing quarantine. The pandemic reinforced social inequalities, opened up privileges and showed that black and indigenous people remain the most vulnerable. How can we suggest rigorous hygiene at home when half the Brazilian population does not have access to piped water and sewage? How to suggest staying at home when many are not entitled to housing? How can we not leave, if the workforce of the so-called essential services is mostly black - and in some contexts, indigenous? How will the precipitous opening impact different parts of the population?
Closing the “Friday of the Month: In times of pandemic” debates, we sought representatives of the groups most affected by the current government's death policies: women from indigenous communities and black urban and rural communities. As shown by the ethnography made by Denise Pimenta (2019) on the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone, women were the main victims of the disease, not by chance: they were the ones who, through their relationships of affection and kinship, were at risk leading the fight against Ebola in their communities. This “dangerous care”, a notion that the researcher described in her research, is connected to the experiences and forms of care built by countless women leaders in the face of the arrival of covid-19 in their territories in Brazil. Yanomami mothers beg for their children's bodies; upper Xingu women will not be able to cry their relatives in the Qwarup ritual; in the quilombola community of Kalunga, in Goiás, young women were contaminated by employers who traveled outside the country and were then sent back to the community.
Constructing their own strategies to fight the disease in their territories, women-leaders invited to share their experiences on Friday of the month of July will bear witness to the impacts of the disease and the omissions of the Brazilian state in their communities; the autonomous initiatives built to face this scenario and the challenges that may still be imposed ahead. After all, is it the virus that kills or inequality? How can anthropological research help to reflect on these local constructions, in addition to resonating demands?

Friday of the Month Commission
Monthly Student Event of the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at USP

Distance learning. After inscriptions, instructions will be sent by email to the students.


Speakers: Ariane Couto Costa and Pâmilla Villas Boas Ribeiro
Coordination: Profa. Dr. Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji
Registration period: 14 to 16/07
More information at

The course aims to discuss the use of audiovisual as a tool in fieldwork. Based on the experiences of audiovisual production by the teachers in ethnographic works in the north of Minas Gerais and in Piauí with Afro-Brazilian culture groups of drumming, terreiros and quilombo capoeira, this will raise questions about the multiple representations that the filming exercise can provoke . When registering different practices, we saw in the film support, a polysemic narrative option that would make it possible to reduce the asymmetry between the demands and interests of researchers and the demands and interests of local groups. Building a filmic approach based on polyphony and an explicit dialogue with the interlocutors allows alternative forms of representation of the "other" from the meeting of points of view. It is important to note that audiovisual does not solve the problem of representation in the social sciences, but it can provide exercises to create contact zones, places where the voices of researchers and collaborators can echo. Means so that these voices and presences can occupy places where these people, for political and social reasons, have never before been able to be.

Ariane Couto is a master's student in Social Sciences (Social Anthropology) in the area of ​​anthropology of Afro-Brazilian populations, researching cultural heritage and quilombos at FFCLH-USP.
Specialist (MBA) in Cultural Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV SP), with emphasis in the area of ​​Cultural Heritage Management. Bachelor of Arts (Linguistics and Literature) with German and Portuguese qualifications (2009) from the University of São Paulo (USP), Licensed in Portuguese Letters from the University of São Paulo (2010).

Pâmilla Vilas Boas is a doctoral student in Social Anthropology at USP and Master in Anthropology at UFMG (2017) with research in performance anthropology, on the drumming of the São Francisco River. She is a member of the Center for Anthropology, Performance and Drama at USP, director of the documentary on music and memory at the batuques of the São Francisco River and creator of the regional meeting of batuques in the upper middle São Francisco region in partnership with the quilombola community of Bom Jardim da Prata.

Distance learning. After inscriptions, instructions will be sent by email to the students.

Speaker: Gibran Teixeira Braga
Coordination: Profa. Dr. Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji
Registration period: 14 to 16/07
More information at this link

The course is aimed at reflecting the music, in its broadest context as a key element in various social dynamics. Based on theoretical and ethnographic bibliography, we will discuss the relationship between music and the social markers of difference, from an intersectional perspective, and its relationship with the production of localities.